Dad makes court appearance in baby death case

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
John A. Jeffers (Photo courtesy of the Greene County Sheriff's Department)

The father charged in connection with the death of his five-month-old baby appeared in Greene Circuit Court Tuesday morning for his initial hearing on two criminal counts.

John A. Jeffers, 24, of 1502 Franklin St. in Martinsville, entered a not guilty plea to a class A felony count of neglect of a dependent causing death; and possession of marijuana, a class A misdemeanor.

Circuit Judge Erik Allen appointed Greene County Public Defender Alan Baughman to represent Jeffers in a jury trial set for 9 a.m. on Oct. 20.

A pre-trial conference has been set for Sept. 29.

Jeffers bond remained at $40,000 cash only.

Extreme heat inside a closed, non-ventilated rural Greene County home has been alleged to be the cause of death for five-month-old child Micheal Jeffers in late June.

Police allege the boy's father is responsible by his neglect for causing the heat stroke that killed his son.

Jeffers turned himself in at the Greene County Jail at 11:58 a.m. Monday after learning a warrant had been issued for his arrest. The charges are linked to the June 26 death of his son at his former residence west of Koleen in Greene County.

The criminal charge comes following an investigation into the infant boy's death by the Greene County Sheriff's Department in cooperation with the Greene County Office of Child Protective Services (CPS) and the Greene County Coroner's office.

In a probable cause affidavit filed with the court, lead investigator GCSD Det. George Dallaire said the young boy's death is being traced to extreme heat conditions in his home.

Det. Dallaire wrote in his seven-page probable cause affidavit that "the autopsy report from Dr. (Roland) Kohr, a forensic pathologist, indicated Micheal Jeffers' manner of death was homicide and the cause of death was heat stroke," Dallaire wrote.

"Dr. Kohr said the petechial hemorrhage seen in Micheal Jeffers' heart and lungs also support a severe heat injury causing Micheal's death," according to Dallaire's probable cause affidavit.

The autopsy also noted contusions to the infant's left leg and he had an open sore on his buttocks.

The young boy, who was born pre-mature and spent more than three months at Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis after his birth but suffered no serious medical complications, was found in the living room on a couch cushion.

He was not breathing.

Three other children and John Jeffers were allegedly in a nearby room watching a movie on television when the baby's death occurred. All three children are now in custody of a family member.

Det. Dallaire said the room where the baby's body was found was very warm.

"The living room Micheal was found in did not have an open window or a fan. The home did not have any form of air-conditioning. The thermostat on the living room wall indicated the room temperature was 87 degrees," Dallaire wrote. "I did not think the thermostat was accurate. It felt hotter and the air was very humid. Heat and humidity was very bad in the home. My shirt was soaked with sweat when I completed this examination. The outside air was approximately 90 degrees and the interior of this residence felt hotter than the outside air."

Dallaire alleges that the boy being placed in he car seat also contributed to his death.

"Dr. Kohr said had Micheal Jeffers parents opened windows and had a fan blowing air in the room, or on Micheal, he would not have suffered the heat stroke which resulted in his death," Dallaire wrote.

Three fans were found by authorities in the house -- none were in the living room where the baby was placed.

The boy's mother, Ella Jeffers, was not at home when the death occurred. She had been at work in Bloomington since 7:30 a.m., John Jeffers told police.

Jeffers was also charged with possession of marijuana after paraphernalia, marijuana buds and residue were found in two different locations in the house.

Jeffers told police that he and his wife both smoke marijuana, but had not done so in the three days prior to the baby's death, according to court documents.

The mother has not been charged.

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  • I would like some clarification about the contusion to the baby's leg and the sore on his bottom.

    My youngest was crawling at five months (he was full term, not sure if that matters) and at different times he had contusions (bruises) or abrasians (rug burn) on his legs. Now that he's learning to walk he sometimes has multiple contusions! That's certainly no sign of neglect, it's something that is age appropriate. Still, how would it sound written in the paper? "Sarah m's son found with multiple contusions on his leg and a bump on his noggin"?

    As for the open sore, I think this could be misleading. Is this open sore the result of a yeast rash? Those are common in preemies of that age and can be difficult to treat (yeast doesn't respond to your plain diaper rash cream). Or is this a bedsore type of thing signalling obvious neglect? Evidence of the baby being hit?

    I want to know that the pool of potential jurors are given a fair idea of what has happened. If the guy just bonked the baby's leg because he wasn't paying attention that's one thing; if the baby received a bruise because of, say, a young sibling's rough hug, that's different. A sore from a rash is one thing, hitting a child (especially a baby) is an act I'll never defend.

    This guy might be an enaormous loser. He might be an ignorant father with good, albeit guided, intentions. The truth might lie somewhere in the middle. Either way, I hope that people wait and learn the facts before crucifying him (or anyone else, for that matter).

    -- Posted by sarah m on Tue, Jul 21, 2009, at 10:03 AM
  • Does it really matter how the sores or bruses got on the baby ?I mean with 3 fans in the house and the heat outside hot any moran would think if he was able to put a fan a baby.Unless he was so stoned he didn,t care about anyone but himself as most junkies do they care for Noone or Nothing But thenself. He is unfit father and I feel sorry for the mother that works while trusting her husband to care for her babies.God be with her and the law hang him!

    -- Posted by on Tue, Jul 21, 2009, at 10:43 AM
  • Why does it matter? I thought I was clear. There's a difference between a sore caused by a diaper rash and a sore caused by a belt. One is unfortunate. One is abuse. The police report isn't clear what kind of sore we're talking about.

    As for the law hanging him, I prefer for there to at least be jurors seated first. I'm backwards that way.

    -- Posted by sarah m on Tue, Jul 21, 2009, at 11:37 AM
  • John never at any time would hurt his children the sores on the baby did not come from Mr. Jeffers.

    -- Posted by RevHodge on Tue, Jul 21, 2009, at 12:24 PM
  • RevHodge.. where did they come from then?

    -- Posted by PROUD_MOMMY09 on Tue, Jul 21, 2009, at 1:12 PM
  • If I might be frank, babies get rashes and bumps and bruises. John was, is and still is a good father. As a matter of fact several windows were open in the home with fans placed to circulate air. This is a poor family that was doing what they could with what they had. As for the mother you would have to know her to understand why he was the one staying home. Like I said before do not judge off just what officials say. They always make things look the worst.

    -- Posted by RevHodge on Tue, Jul 21, 2009, at 3:12 PM
  • RevHodge or frank,

    He IS WAS and STILL a good father? Are you stupid? My family was poor and we had no air conditioning, but my parents bought us kids fans not POT! Anybody who puts a substance over a child should be locked up.

    -- Posted by Dtown on Tue, Jul 21, 2009, at 3:53 PM
  • Sarah M is right, everyone deserves due process. Regardless. Period.

    She also raises a good point that could be taken way off base...or not. It makes sense that high heat would give a rash and/or sore(s)the perfect breeding ground in a dirty diaper. Diaper rash happens. How long the baby might have sat in hot, soiled diapers is a whole other question.

    -- Posted by Blueyedame on Tue, Jul 21, 2009, at 4:32 PM
  • I really do not believe that the contusions (bruises) or abrasians caused this baby's death at least thats according to the coronors report. a preemie who was only home 2 months I'm sure wasn't crawling nor walking, I doubt it was a rug burn caused by the infants movement. hopefully the other children are out of this enviroment. sad very sad

    -- Posted by elynn66 on Tue, Jul 21, 2009, at 5:01 PM
  • Revhodge, Are you saying the officer was lying?

    -- Posted by lillymae on Tue, Jul 21, 2009, at 5:52 PM
  • Keep in mind, these adults may not be evil people. Stupid and totally unthinking, perhaps.

    A jury decides if they actually had intent or just zero parenting skills.

    It would be interesting to hear from someone involved in any CPS investigations beforehand...

    -- Posted by Blueyedame on Tue, Jul 21, 2009, at 6:39 PM
  • I personally cant understand how a person could abuse a small innocent child. I agree instead if buying pot they should of bought an air conditioner. Poor or not I see air conditioners for sale in the shopper all the time and they are not that expensive. He better be glad I am not on his jury! When it come to abusing children there is no tolerance in my book!

    -- Posted by Scorpio1969 on Tue, Jul 21, 2009, at 6:42 PM
  • people please remember that John is still a human being who is dealing with the loss of his son and is now in jail for it. The loss of a child is hard enough with out all of these comments. Please remember that John has a wife and other family members that are reading this, also just put your self in his shoes having people that don't know all the facts and are making these harsh statements even the caption above this box says to be respectful of others. Remember God tells us the measure we judge others with is the same measure he uses to judge us. And he who is with out sin cast the first stone. Please be mindful of your comments!

    -- Posted by tbaby on Tue, Jul 21, 2009, at 7:49 PM
  • people please remember that John is still a human being who is dealing with the loss of his son and is now in jail for it. The loss of a child is hard enough with out all of these comments. Please remember that John has a wife and other family members that are reading this, also just put your self in his shoes having people that don't know all the facts and are making these harsh statements even the caption above this box says to be respectful of others. Remember God tells us the measure we judge others with is the same measure he uses to judge us. And he who is with out sin cast the first stone. Please be mindful of your comments!

    -- Posted by tbaby on Tue, Jul 21, 2009, at 7:52 PM
  • His charges are not capital offenses. The death penalty is not an option, nor should it be.

    Here's what I don't understand--this community rallies and fundraises when unsupervised kids play with fire and four wheelers (not passing judgement, just making an observation) yet some are actually advocating for this man's death?! Talk about capricious and nonsensical justice!

    -- Posted by sarah m on Tue, Jul 21, 2009, at 8:03 PM
  • FACT pot costs money, FACT fans cost money, FACT pot smokers don't kill people. FACT people who spend there money on drugs instead of on the best interest of there children kill, especially in this case.

    Heat rash happens, death isn't usually common for infants. Its only common amongst seniors.

    Sadly now Mr. Jeffers now has AC.

    -- Posted by Dtown on Tue, Jul 21, 2009, at 10:34 PM
  • This is crazy come on people I don't care how poor you are, all he needed was a little common sense to put the baby in the same rooom as one of the fans. He could have cracked a window at the very least. He knew he was hot that's why he was by the fan. I think he cared more about his video game than the baby. If he had the money for pot he had the money for a fan. Sounds to me like he needs to get his priorities straight. As for the opened sore if it was that bad they should have taken him to the doctor to get medicine for it. As for the mother being charged I disagree she wasn't even there, her only mistake was assuming he was intelligent enough to crack a window or operate a fan. All I can say is this poor baby at least he's in a better place now.

    -- Posted by Lintongirl on Tue, Jul 21, 2009, at 11:01 PM
  • RENTERATE!!!!My grandmother told me of the terrible summer of 1936 (look up the temps)where she slept upstairs of her grandparent in laws house and they had no fans no air even coming in open windows and her babies lived. When I was raising my kids I kept them bound up and warm when they had a fever and go to the hosp and they start ripping blankets and clothes off. Just as was said we are trained to wrap in blankets no matter how we feel. I don't believe in the way the mother cared for the children either she could have doctored those sores and took him to the Dr. Most women are the ones that go after the free fans, but granted he could have went but she had the vehicle "working" and going lord knows where. With the chances of deformity in his family maybe more could have happened that they missed a stroke in autopsy. But as far as CPS getting the kids out of that situation they have been safe since that night and WELL taken care of, and all are doing well. And if CPS was in this families life all along which I heard they had been at least off and on, WHERE were they for the help in this home? If Jeffers was such a bad Dad all around he wouldn't have taken his 3 kids in the bdr to watch a movie that is good attention and they love their Daddy,granted it the baby was being fed so he wasn't starved. Listen to RevHodge we need God in this situation right now. The baby is gone 3 others are here (help them out call CPS and offer stuff to be sent to them) Pray for Mom and Dad,yes this may be a sin but no sin is unforgivable but unbelief, so why are they any different why can't they be forgiven. He without sin cast the first stone. God Bless you kiddies and your caretakers and yes even Daddy and Mommy that they get help and God,thats all RevHodge and all others that know all the family, extened as well. How you you like this to happen in your family. A cousin or niece or nephew and if all the evidence wasn't out you would fight for then to get a fair deal till proven guilty or you hide you head in shame and hide like and ostrich and THEY ARE INNOCENT how do you feel then. Amen

    -- Posted by stephbelieves on Wed, Jul 22, 2009, at 12:10 AM
  • I do not know Mr. Jeffers, his family or, most likely, anyone that knows the family or him; however, feel compelled to comment. First of all, why are so many of you people so anxious to see others suffer? It's like you take great pleasure in someone's misfortune and just cannot wait to hang them high. First the Eichhorst girl and now this guy. Admittedly, I do not read every article every day, but I would think that the attitudes displayed would definitely deter from the efforts to turn Greene Co. into a vacation locale.

    Mr. Jeffers is charged with Neglect of a Dependent causing Death. This case is not death penalty eligible. There is also a distint difference difference between neglect and abuse. Abuse is to cause harm. Neglect is the withholding of something such as food, education, medical care. Sorry about the extremely basic definition. Antibiotics and open sores still happen on occasion to my children and they are quite capable of hitting the loo by themselve. It's rather premature to assume that simply because Mr. Jeffers is currently incarcerated that evert bite, bump, bruise, or sore was willfully inflicted. What happened to the basic foundation of our justice system, "Innocent until proven guilty"?

    Nowhere does it imply that Mr. Jeffers intended to cause his child harm that horrible day. Malicious intent lacking. What happened was wrong. Poor judgement. Poor parenting skills. If Mr. and Mrs. Jeffers were such bad parents then one could assume that CPS would already be involved with the family. Yes? If so, where were they?

    Remember before you hang Mr. Jeffers that his absence will impact the ability of the family to function. Who will watch the other kids while Mrs. Jeffers goes to work? Where will they live if she can no work due to childcare issues? I don't know if any of these concerns even enter into the picture, but before you so quickly throw someone's life away, consider the impact on the family's life as well.

    Oh, and yes, you are assuming that everything you have read is the truth.

    -- Posted by Stand Up on Wed, Jul 22, 2009, at 12:43 AM
  • Stand Up your not from around here are you ?

    -- Posted by frank33s on Wed, Jul 22, 2009, at 3:39 AM
  • What is wrong with people? That poor baby. I am sure he will have some excuse, but too late. I don't think anything else could be worse than the lose of a child. I feel for the other children.

    -- Posted by mightylakers on Wed, Jul 22, 2009, at 7:42 AM
  • It does not seem anyone cares about anything here except to slam on other people. I also did not know the family nor do I think it is right to buy drugs instead of fans. However how do you people even know that he bought pot instead of fans? Cps only wants to take children that dont need to be took.... Not the ones the really need help....and I have lived around here a long long time. Many of the police and cps live in homes with clutter and filth that I would not subject my dogs to. Many people on here make rash judgement and their homes are probably just as nasty.....I agree that neglect and abuse are two totally different things....Some people just are not that smart or fit to raise chickens let alone children. But ignorance is not against the law...and you people should know that already....WHEN YOU ASSUME YOU MAKE AN A-- OUT OF YOUSELVES.......It was just in the news where a child drowned in vincennes or the child that was playing at a logging business in Terre Haute....also both tragic but if this is neglect of a dependent than so is that, my point is the officials in Greene Co need to quit trying to rewrite the law and just follow it.

    -- Posted by teenythomp on Wed, Jul 22, 2009, at 8:15 AM
  • Just so you all know the Cps is involved the children have not been in the home since that awful night and are being taken care of by family.

    -- Posted by RevHodge on Wed, Jul 22, 2009, at 8:25 AM
  • The forensic pathologist has ruled that the child died of heat stroke due to poor ventilation and extreme heat, which is a fact according to this article.

    How simple it would have been to at least have one of the fans found in the home blowing on this baby, which is just common sense.

    A fact by admission from this man himself, again according to this article, is that he and the three other children were in another room watching a movie and that he sent another child into the room to check on the baby and was alerted that the infant didn't look right.

    First of all, the infant shouldn't have been left alone in that condition, that is a fact and common sense, not just an opinion. And since he was left all alone w/out proper ventilation he died, that is extreme neglect, another fact.

    One of my many questions is why was the baby left alone in another room? Was he a bother, fussy, crying? There was a reason in this man's mind for putting the child all alone in another room while he watched a movie and makes me wonder how many times before this had happened to the baby or the other children. I guess that answer will come out later. In my mind, there isn't a good enough reason for ever leaving an infant alone for that amount of time, but I have the question anyway.

    I also think that no way should another child have been sent in to check on the baby. That tells me that this man has a nonchalant attitude and didn't even care enough to get off his lazy butt to check on this infant himself but sends another child in to check on him. This doesn't sound like a matter of the father being busy for a few minutes and sending another child in to check on a baby due to being busy, he was watching a movie by his own admission, another fact and inexcusable.

    The forensic pathologist clearly says that the infant died due to a severe heat injury, plain and simple. This child suffered those last minutes of his life and it should not have been.

    How can anyone make excuses for this kind of ignorance?

    And the mother working didn't kill this baby but leaving him in the hands of someone so incompetent did kill this baby and she bears some responsibility and that is my opinion.

    I am not sentencing anyone, a judge and jury will do that based on the final conclusion of a jury or plea agreement but I know what I've read and either the paper and authorities involved in this are outright lying or what I've concluded based on what I've read so far is that this was extreme neglect on the part of this man and father.

    How can anyone suggest anything other based on what is in this article? And if you have knowledge and facts that would suggest other, then speak it out. Don't just make excuses for this man by saying, "Judge not lest you be judged" or "with the same judgment you mete out, you will be judged".

    Come on, be reasonable please, God gave us wisdom and discernment to judge good and evil for a reason and it wasn't to sit back and make excuses for the wrongful actions of another.

    And like I previously said if you have information to suggest that this man, father didn't neglect this child based on the conclusion that the Coroner has come to, then speak it out. We have laws for a reason.

    This is so sad and grievous; it's even beyond my comprehension that an infant would be left in the care of someone so ignorant to his individual needs; you can say all you want that the mother had to work to provide but she didn't have to leave the baby with this man.

    Of course it's all hind sight now, the child is in a better place, the Angels of God and God Himself are comforting him now but that still leaves the matter of holding these two parents responsible for this kind of neglect in order that the other children still living or any future children are protected from more of these kind of decisions in the future.

    They made some serious choices here that caused the death of their baby and should be held accountable based on those facts. If they go on w/out being held accountable, what would become of the other three children still here?

    I really feel badly for the nine year old that was sent in to check on his little brother, to find him in such a condition had to be frightening to say the least!

    And being poor doesn't excuse them, they had three fans and not one of them was on this baby.

    They all will be in my prayers none the less!

    And yes I can have compassion and even mercy on these parents, but at the same time, my mercy and compassion doesn't excuse them from the incompetence and ignorance they have shown in the care of this infant and the other children. What happens to the parents because of their own choices is not left up to me and nor do I take any pleasure in seeing them suffer. Although this infant suffered his last minutes on earth and my human nature wants an eye for an eye, I know in my heart that there is a bigger picture and I will be sensitive to that. Thank you for listening and for letting me vent.

    -- Posted by sassy12 on Wed, Jul 22, 2009, at 8:46 AM
  • hmmmm, so many people with so much to say; yet with nothing getting said at all....

    -- Posted by Liberto di discorso on Wed, Jul 22, 2009, at 10:03 AM
  • I'm sorry for the family they have been through alot,but you can't blame the mother someone had to work and take care of the family and why wouldn't she leave the children with there father,he is there father.I feel that the father should have put a fan on him or even opened a window.I herd that you couldn't put in air becouse of elic problums so why didn't the landlord fix it so they could put in air.Oh as for pot everyone just about in greencounty smoke it and haven't hard of any deaths due to pot smoking.And as far as CPS they pick and choose.I feel the father should be acountible for what happened,but the mother was at work why should she be in truble she wasn't home,but greencounty don't see everything they see what they want

    -- Posted by bigrosebud on Wed, Jul 22, 2009, at 12:12 PM
  • I have to agree with a post eariler. the Police and the CPS group jumped on this situation with negelect charges!!! Why put this Dad and Mom in jail and charge them with negelect??? When the little boy got killed by the fire in Scotland (The mom not watching the child) and many reports that she was a person who used drugs. Then we have the 3 boys from Linton on the 4 wheeler accident. 3 sets of parents not watching and knowing where and what the boys (who are miners) were upto? And why was the owner of the 4 wheeler not held accountable and have be charged with negelect??

    Just wondering why everyone is takeing up for some parents and judgeing the other parents????

    -- Posted by scotlandlet on Thu, Jul 23, 2009, at 6:46 AM
  • There is a difference between those cases because those were accidents and by kids old enough to no right from wrong. This is an infant too young to defend for itself! Neglect of a dependent is also putting a child in a position that causes harm or death! They put this child in a dangerous situation which caused death...that by definition is neglect of a dependent.

    -- Posted by CROSSWAY on Thu, Jul 23, 2009, at 9:46 AM
  • Sorry..that should be "know right from wrong"!

    -- Posted by CROSSWAY on Thu, Jul 23, 2009, at 9:49 AM
  • Old enough to know right or wrong or no, they were all unsupervised minor children who had access to dangerous materials/equipment.

    By rights a caregiver should face culpability. In the eyes of the law there isn't a difference between infant and gradeschooler. Neglect resulting in injury or death is the same.

    Now, a prosecutor might choose not to press charges and that's his call. I'd guess that perhaps part of that reason is because of local sentiment. The GCDW, after all, has been quick to erase comments or shut down comments that weren't sympathetic to either the burned boys or the ATV boys.

    By contrast some very nasty things have remained posted about this family.

    Now, I don't know any of the families in question. It seems to me like all of them have made some pretty ignorant mistakes and all are paying dearly. Why some are sheltered and protected and others are not, however, is a mystery to me. Leaving an infant with a propped bottle in a shut up room is a stupid choice. So is leaving kids to play with a fire and gasoline. So is leaving an ATV key where children could find it and ride it. All cases sound like they include inferior supervision and all should have been done differently.

    I haven't read anything that leads me to believe that those mistakes include criminal intent.

    -- Posted by sarah m on Thu, Jul 23, 2009, at 10:28 AM
  • crossway

    Parents are still responcible for their children under the age 18

    the 9 year old boy from Scotland did not think like a adult would have and would have knew the dangers. But the Mom would have knew the dangers and was the one who was responcible for the boy. I say charge her with neleget!!! And the 3 boys from Linton was just haveing fun and not thinking what could and what is going to happen. But the parents are aware of what the dangers are and the owner should have had the 4 wheeler locked up and key hidden. I think the owner should be help responcible and be charged with negelect. The other parents should contact "Ken Nunn" from Bloomington about a law suit against the one parent

    -- Posted by scotlandlet on Thu, Jul 23, 2009, at 12:14 PM
  • Pot isn't cheap! If they could have money for that they could have bought more fans. There is no excuse for that baby to be without a fan on him.

    -- Posted by willam* on Mon, Jul 27, 2009, at 10:12 PM
  • Why are alot of you people not seeing the facts? This guy killed this innocent little baby. He thought more of his self and watching TV with fans on him than he did for caring for this infant. He is not a fit parent to raise the other children. I am glad CPS took them out of the home. There is NO defense when it comes to abusing a child! Intentional or not, he KILLED that baby! and he should do the time!!

    -- Posted by Scorpio1969 on Tue, Jul 28, 2009, at 10:19 AM
  • i know Ella and John i was at the hospital after micheal was born i watched two of the kids so that they could go an visit the baby when he was at riley's

    i don't believe that john ment for this to happen to the baby but he needed to use some commen sence about this if him and the other kids whre in the other room with the air on them and were still hot then he had to know that it was hot in the other room i don't understand why he didn't have micheal in the same room as the rest of them/. as for the accusations of shild abuse i don't believe that the brusing was caused by him or ella i think that one of the other kids may have been a lil rough with him makin him bruise as for the open sore that is that paper making it look worse then it is it wa diaper rash for christ sake in the heat kids do get diaper rash.

    their landlord was the douchebag that needed to provide the air but i do agree that it was primarily johns responibilty to provie cooling in the house.

    i know that he is being charged with this a felony but keep in mind theis man never ment to kill his baby this was his only son and his baby i know that he is suffering deeply from the death of micheal i worked with ella at burger king i talked to her te night that micheal passed away and her and john were crushed

    he just had poor judgement he's not a child abuser or a murderer so chill out people unless you know that truth don't judge

    -- Posted by rgalindo1984 on Tue, Jul 28, 2009, at 12:51 PM
  • Hey Scotlandlet, don't know where you get your information but neither of the mothers of the boys from Scotland were out doing drugs, one is currently pregnant and due soon. Some people do work! What happened to those boys was a tragedy! And CPS was involved after it happened. And the boys from Linton, have riden the 4 wheeler many times, it was an accident. This was a BABY, who can't walk or talk yet strapped into a car seat left alone in a HOT room while the other enjoyed the air. Like someone said earlier, why couldn't he have taken the baby in with him or at least gave up one fan for the baby. I know he regrets what happened as do the parents of these other children. What he did was pure neglect,sorry but it the truth the others were accidents.I know he didn't intentionally kill the baby but he could have done something to try to keep him cool. And as far as the Mother from Scotland, she did try to prevent this from happening. The gas was put up,it's NOT like she said "Going to work, here's the gas to put on the fire" I mean good Lord! My kids have been hurt numerous times, they are kids and I thank the good Lord I haven't had to face any of these tragedies. Some people need to really stand back and think before saying anything, I have. And I know we don't all agree but since others voice their opinions I'm voicing mine. Thank You! Have a Great Day!!

    -- Posted by Mellonschic on Sat, Aug 1, 2009, at 4:12 PM
  • Everyone is talking about fans ??? I am no expert but I am a dad and I know you don't put a fan on a small child ??? SO ??? right or wrong. and the report say's it was 80some degrese in the living room ??? the human body is 98.6 and it has to be WELL over 100 for a while before you suffer heat stroke ???

    -- Posted by ru4eeyore on Fri, Aug 7, 2009, at 11:33 PM
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