Decker awarded Lacy Memorial Scholarship

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Stephanie Decker

A recent White River Valley High School graduate was named the recipient of the 2009 Jennifer Lacy Memorial Scholarship at the Greene County 4-H Fair on Friday evening.

Stephanie Decker, the daughter of Joe and Julie Decker of rural Worthington, was presented the $600 scholarship during the annual 4-H Livestock Auction.

The scholarship is named in memory of the late Jennifer Lacy, a former 10-year 4-H club member from rural Jasonville. She died in an automobile accident in 2000. A Calvary Christian School graduate, she was active in many 4-H projects -- including livestock as well as horse & pony. She was also a past candidate for Miss Greene County.

The college scholarship is awarded annually to a 10-year 4-H club member who is a recent high school graduate, or who has completed at least one year of study at an accredited college, university or vocational school.

Decker plans to attend Purdue University at West Lafayette in the fall and will major in pre-veterinary.

She has competed in the swine project nine of her 10 years in 4-H and on Thursday night participated in the Grand Champion Livestock Showman competition.

Previous Lacy Scholarship winners include: Afton Campbell, of rural Bloomfield (2001), Leslie Floyd (2002), of Lyons, Nicholas Bender (2003), of Worthington, James Floyd (2004), of Lyons, Erika Robinette (2005), of Bloomfield, Annie Davis (2006) of Newberry, Jake Feltner (2007) of rural Worthington, Nicole Thombelson (2008), of rural Bloomfield.

The annual Lacy Scholarship is funded by donations collected throughout the year and at the annual livestock auction.

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  • Good job Stephanie!!!!

    -- Posted by oink on Wed, Jul 22, 2009, at 1:37 AM
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