4-H Livestock Auction feels the pinch from the struggling economy

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The 2009 Greene County 4-H Livestock Auction felt a pinch from the downswing in the economy.

The annual event that is payday for young 4-H club members on Friday night saw 133 animals go on the auction block to raise a total of $56,565, according to figures provided by Randall Baker, of Linton, who was in charge of tallying the proceeds from the auction for the 4-H Council of Greene County, Inc.

That's down $6,535 from the 2008 auction when $63,100 was raised from the sale of 131 animals -- in a year that was termed one of the best in history.

The auction featured beef cattle, swine, sheep, rabbits, poultry and meat goats.

This year the average price paid over market value was $425.30 -- also down from the 2008 sale that averaged $481.68 per animal over the market appraisal.

The 2005 sale has been the best when $63,580 was bid for 145 animals put on the auction block.

The 2007 sale set a record for the price over market value at $496.48 per animal.

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