Sports Briefs

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

WRV Open

The annual White River Valley Open golf tournament has been scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 15 at the Phil Harris Golf Course in Linton.

All proceeds will to to the WRV athletic department.

Registration fees are $20 for members with cart passes, $30 for Phil Harris members and $50 for non-members.

For more information, call Karen Cullison at 384-7636, Lance Davidson at 381-5727, WRV athletic director J.B. Neill at 659-2274, or call the pro shop at 847-4790.

Bloomfield physicals

Athletic physicals for all Bloomfield students in grades 5-12 will be given at Dr. Batterson's office Wednesday, July 22 and Wednesday, July 29 from 9 a.m. to noon both days.

Cost is $15 and students have to call 384-3508 for an appointment.

Volleyball camp at Linton

The 2009 high school volleyball season will officially begin with practice Monday, Aug. 3.

To help kick things off, Linton Stockton volleyball and new coach Jill Fougerousse will be hosting a three-day volleyball camp for girls incoming grades 6-12 from 9 a.m. to noon July 23-25.

Indiana University players Taylor Wittmer ( a 6-1 outside hitter) and Caitlyn Cox ( a defensive specialist who led the Hoosiers last season with 402 digs) will act as camp coaches along with the Linton-Stockton High School volleyball coaching staff.

The cost for the camp is $50.

Please call coach Fougerousse at (812) 798-2847 for more information.

Youth football camp

The Linton-Stockton Junior and Senior High School football coaching staff will be conducting its annual youth camp starting Monday, July 27.

The camp will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. each of four nights through Thursday, July 30.

The camp is non-contact and open to all children ages 7-12.

Cost is $5 per child.

Registration will take place from 6 to 7 p.m. Thursday, July 23 at the high school locker room, next to Roy Williams Field.

Every one that signs up will receive a free T-shirt.

For more information, contact Mark Gennicks at (812) 847-2762.

Lady Miner open gyms

Linton-Stockton girls basketball coach Brad McKinney would like to announce there will be open gyms on Tuesday and Thursday nights throughout the month of July for girls in the incoming grades of 6-12.

Tuesday night times will be from 5-7 p.m. and Thursday night will be from 6-8 p.m. in the high school gym.

The open gyms will run through July 23.

Shakamak softball tournaments

The Shakamak Youth League will be hosting 10U and 12U softball tournaments on July 31-August 2.

Cost is $200 per team for both tournaments. Each tournament will use a two game pool play format to seed teams with a double elimination tournament to follow.

Awards will go to first and second place teams for all tournaments.

Tournaments are open to only recreation All-star teams, no travel teams will be allowed. For more information for the 10U tournament contact Andee Gadberry at (812) 798-6695 and the 12U contact Rob Samm at (812) 798-5704 or Phil Gallagher at (812) 798-0439.

Cal Ripken rules will apply for the tournaments.

Entry fee will be $200 and a double elimination format will be used.

Awards will be for first and second place teams.

Pictures welcome

The Greene County Daily World encourages area sports youth coaches or parents to submit pictures of your 2009 baseball, softball and T-Ball teams for publication.

Pictures should include identification information about all players and coaches as well as any other info about the team's accomplishments.

Pictures can be e-mailed as pdfs to or to Actual photos can be dropped off at 79 S. Main St., Linton, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Photos can be picked up after they are published.

For more information, call (812) 847-4487, ext 12.

Bloomfield Church Softball

The Bloomfield Church Softball League is again looking for teams to start play in August.

Deadline for entering is Friday, July 24.

For more information, contact Jeff Coffin at (812) 381-3041 or Homer Abrams at (812) 384-5767.

Linton girls cross country

Linton-Stockton High School girls cross country coach David Wence would like to invite any girls in incoming grades 9-12 to participate in summer workouts.

For more information, call Wence at (812) 847-8196 or e-mail him at

Bass fishing tournaments

Shakamak State Park will once again by having bass fishing tournament throughout the spring and summer that are open team jackpots and open to the public.

The next tournament is set for 7 p.m. to midnight, Friday, July 31.

Registration at Kickapoo ramp is set for 6:45 p.m.

There also will be tournaments on Fridays Aug. 14 and Sept. 4. Both of these events are set for 7 p.m. to midnight with registration at 6:45 p.m.

The final tournament of the season will be Saturday, Sept. 26 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Registration, again at Kickapoo ramp, will be at 7:45 a.m.

For more information, call Ken Hart at (812) 859-4806 or