Fundraiser set to provide for repairs at Linton's Risher Pool

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A fundraiser is in the works for Linton's A.M. Risher Memorial Pool -- which is in need of repairs.

A water volleyball tournament and dance is slated for July 31 from 7-11 p.m. and everyone is invited to attend, explained Jill Bohnert, co-manager at the pool.

"This is the first time for a fundraiser like this," she explained. "It's crucial that the community come out and support the pool."

The water volleyball contest is from 7-9 p.m. and costs $10 per person to enter or $60 per team, she noted. You must be 15 years old to enter and deadline to register is July 27. Registration also includes admission into the fundraiser.

The dance will be from 9-11 p.m.

Along with dancing and volleyball there'll also be several contests and prizes.

"A cornhole tournament, splash contest, balloon toss and more are planned," she said.

Twenty percent of the proceeds will go to the Helton and Steele families with the rest going to the pool for repairs.

"The proceeds for the pool will go to maintenance and upkeep," she explained.

Surface and shower work plus a liner will be needed at the pool within the near future, Bohnert added. The fundraiser will help keep the pool's doors open.

"We do have a lot of kids who come to the pool. This season has been quite successful," she added.

Refreshments will also be available for purchase.

The pool is currently open for the season. Business hours are noon to 6 p.m. daily. Locker use is free.

For more information or to register for the water volleyball contest call the pool at 847-3246.

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  • music provided by todd landis

    -- Posted by boilers00 on Thu, Jul 23, 2009, at 3:55 PM
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