Community Notes
Library board to meet Thursday
The Linton Public Library Board of Trustees will hold its regular board meeting at 6 p.m. on Thursday at the Linton Public Library at This meeting is open to the public.
Switz City Waterworks
Switz City Waterworks customers living on Baseline Road and State Road 54 between the junction of 54 and 57, east to the White River Bridge, may experience dirty water and low pressure from Friday through Monday, July 27. The newly installed fire hydrant will be flushed on Friday. For more information call 659-4466 or 659-3138.
Jasonville Lodge to meet
Jasonville Lodge #530 F & AM will have work in the MM degree July 31. Eat at 6 p.m. Work at 7 p.m.
Gospel sing
The First Church of God in Linton will host a gospel sing from 6 - 7 p.m. Sunday with featured guest Heaven's Jubilee. Refreshments will be served following the gospel sing. No cost and the public is welcome. The church is located on State Road 54 East in Linton.
Continuing book sale
The Friends of the Library continuing book sale will be from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Thursday in the lower lobby of the Bloomfield-Eastern Greene County Public Library -- located at 125 S. Franklin St. in Bloomfield. The sale includes a large selection of adult and children's books -- paperbacks 25¢, hardbacks 50¢.
Shakamak School Board
The MSD of Shakamak Board of Trustees will meet in executive session at 7 p.m. Thursday in the high school media center.
Back Door Food Pantry
The Back Door Food Pantry will be open from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Aug. 15. The pantry is located at 311 S. Meridian St. in Jasonville.
Car wash
A car wash will be held from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday with all proceeds going to the Helton family.
Greene County Council on Aging annual picnic
Greene County Council on Aging will meet at 5 p.m. July 28 at the Jasonville Senior Center for the annual picnic. Meat will be provided and those who attend are asked to bring a side dish or dessert.
Linton Moose
Linton Moose will have a fish and shrimp dinner at 5 p.m. Saturday. Public is invited.
Newberry Festival meeting
A Newberry Festival meeting will be at 7 p.m. July 27 in the basement of the Newberry United Methodist Church.
Coin Club to meet
Greene County Coin Club will meet today at 7 p.m. at the 4-H Building. Everyone is welcome to attend.
White River Valley
The WRV School Board will meet in regular session at 8 p.m. Thursday in the administrative center. An executive session will precede the open meeting at 6 p.m.
Linton-Stockton Elementary registration
Registration for Linton-Stockton Elementary School will be Aug. 4 in front of the office in the elementary building. Registration times are 8:30 a.m. to noon, and 1-6 p.m. All returning students and pre-enrolled kindergarten students must register for the new school year. If you have recently moved into the Linton-Stockton School District, please contact the elementary school office in order that room assignments can be made and records obtained for new students. The phone number is 847-6039. New elementary students to the school district will register Aug. 5 from 8:30 a.m. until noon. Children entering kindergarten who are not pre-enrolled should call the school office. The first day for students is Aug. 17. Book rental fees for the 2009-10 school year are as follows: Grade K - $56; Grade 1 - $73; Grade 2 - $61; Grade 3 - $61; Grade 4 - $66; Grade 5 - $64; Grade 6 - $61. Full Day kindergarten fees for the 2009-10 school year are $180 and must be paid in full before the first day of school. Room assignments will be disclosed during registration or via e-mail if you have an account set up.
Four Rivers Board of Directors
The Four Rivers Resource Services, Inc. Board of Directors will meet at 6 p.m. on Thursday in the conference room of the regional offices located at State Road 59 South in Linton.
Ice cream social
Owensburg Baptist Church will host an ice cream social from 4-6 p.m. Saturday. A free-will offering benefiting the families of Joshua Merritt and Nicholas Decker will be taken.
Ashcraft family reunion
The Jess Ahcraft family reunion will be Saturday at Owensburg Park with dinner at noon. Everyone is welcome.
Worthington Park Board
Worthington Park Board will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday in the park. The public is invited. Pros and cons of the skateboard park will be discussed.
Dave Ramsey to speak
An information session with video to explain Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University will be at 7 p.m. on Aug. 5 at the Bloomfield First Christian Church. Ramsey himself is a rags-to-riches, back-to-rags, back-to-riches story. A Financial Peace University Class and cost will be presented to the group. Baby-sitting will be provided for those who attend. For more information contact the Rev. Dave Wilde at 384-4812.
Southwest Indiana Pioneers reunion
The Goodman and related Pioneer families of Greene, Sullivan, Knox, and Vigo Counties are invited to meet Aug. 1 for the 10th annual reunion. These families include but are not limited to the names of Beck, Bedwell, Benefiel, Bennett, Booker, Brewer, Carrico, Carrithers, Daugherty, Ellis, Hale, Hinkle, Holcomb, Mayfield, Moody, O'Haver, Padgett, Page, and Wright. The reunion will be at the Pleasantville United Methodist Church -- Fellowship Hall located just off State Road 159 in Pleasantville. The doors will open at 11 a.m. with a pot-luck lunch at noon. Please bring one covered dish or dessert and table service for each person in your party. Ice, coffee, and iced tea will be provided. This will be the final year for the reunion, so if you have wanted to come in the past, this should be your year. For additional information, contact David Benefiel at or (765) 749-0321.
Native American artifact show
A Native American artifact show will be from 8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Sunday at the Sullivan County 4-H building -- which is located just east of the courthouse on Washington Street. Admission is free.
Vacation Bible School
Indian Prairie Baptist Church will host Vacation Bible School from 7 - 9 p.m. on Aug. 3-7 with the final night being a special program and a family cook-out. For questions or a ride contact Pastor Tim Ferree at (812) 584-156.
Classic Cruisers
The Classic Cruisers are cruising to the Bloomfield Dairy Queen today at 7 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend. This is an informal event, no registration, no judging, and no awards. The cruisers meet on the fourth Sunday of the month from 2-6 p.m. at Pamida in Bloomfield through the months of October to March.
Vacation Bible School
Tulip Church of God will be host a Vacation Bible School on July 27-31 from 6-8 p.m. All children from age 2-12 are invited. For directions, or more information, please contact Jenny Medina at 384-8789 or Andrea Thomas at 384-8125.
Eastern Greene Elementary registration
Eastern Greene Elementary will have new student registration Aug. 4 and 6. Please call the elementary office at 825-5623, ext. 243 to set up an appointment. You may call the office beginning July 28 between the hours of 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Items required to enroll your child are birth certificate, shot records, utility bill with current address, and custody papers if they apply. Registration materials must be filled out by the custodial parent.
Free testing
Free, confidential HIV, Hepatitis C and Syphilis testing will be available from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Thursday at the Greene County Health Department located at 217 E. Spring St. in Bloomfield. Call for 384-4469 for more information.
Ice cream social
Mineral Church will host an ice cream social from 6-8 p.m. on Aug. 1. The Bunker Valley Boys will offer entertainment. A free-will offering will be taken with all proceeds going to the building fund.
Vacation Bible School
The Linton Church of Christ will host a Vacation Bible School from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on July 19-23.
Harp family reunion
The Harp family reunion will be Aug. 2 at the Walnut Grove Fellowship building with a meal at noon.
LSHS registration
Registration for Linton-Stockton High School will be Aug. 4 in the high school media center. The times will be 8:30 a.m. - noon, closed from noon to 1 p.m. for lunch, and resume from 1- 6 p.m. You may enroll on-line at ; under the high school section you may update his/her demographic information and print off and complete the registration forms which will expedite the enrollment process. The first day of classes for students will be Aug. 17. If you have recently moved into the Linton-Stockton School District, registration for NEW students will be Aug. 5 from 8:30a.m.- noon in the high school office. Only new students will be registered during these hours.
Daviess County Has Talent
The Daviess County Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a talent show at 6 p.m. on Aug. 5 at the Eastside Park's Bandstand in Washington. There will be concessions and half-pot drawings of various prizes with the proceeds of the event going to the Recycling for Revitalization projects occurring throughout Daviess County. Contestants are still being accepted with an entry fee of $25 per act. The top three acts will receive $250, $150, and $100 cash prizes. The registration form along with additional information can be found online at Please contact the DC Chamber of Commerce with any questions at (812) 254-5262.
Community VBS
Vacation Bible School, sponsored by First United Methodist, Saron Church, Saint Peter's and Trinity Lutheran, will be at Saron Church, 440 1st St. NE, July 27-31 from 6-8:30 p.m. There will be a program on Friday night at 7 p.m. followed by a Family Feast. Everyone in the community is welcome and it is free. Open to children ages 3 (and potty trained) through kids entering the sixth grade. You can register at the door or call ahead. Registration is from 5:30-6 p.m. nightly. Please contact Pastor Erica Roth at 847-4911 for more information.
Scotland Festival Little Miss and Mister
The Scotland Festival is sponsoring a Little Miss and Mister contest for children ages 3-5. To be eligible the child must be at least 3 years old and not more than 5 years old by Aug. 31. Deadline is Aug. 31. Interviews of the children will take place Sept. 14 at the Scotland Hotel and winner will be announced at the festival on Sept. 19. For more information contact Linda Quakenbush at 863-7981 or Janet Merkel at 863-7787.
Taylor family reunion
The annual family reunion for descendants of Richard O. Taylor will be Aug. 2 at the Girl Scout Cabin at Humphreys Park in Linton with a carry-in dinner at 12:30 p.m. Please bring family photos, scrapbooks, genealogy and stories to share.
Bethel Community Church VBS
Bethel Community Church, State Road 159 Dugger, will have a Vacation Bible School on July 20-24 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Bethel Baptist Church VBS
Bethel Baptist Church will host Vacation Bible School from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on July 21-25. The church is located on State Road 59 across from Ellis Water Tower. For more information call 847-7222.
New certificate programs
Starting in August, Greene County Learning Center is the only location where you can complete a certificate in Payroll Accounting or Microsoft Office Applications Specialist. Ivy Tech has been working with local employers who have a need for these skill areas. The certificates will be offered in their entirety at the learning center. The courses are college credits, eligible for financial aid and if you decide to continue your education can be rolled into a degree program. There will be an information meeting July 23 at 6:30 p.m. at the learning center. Call 659-3862 to reserve your seat.
Linton First Christian Church VBS
Linton First Christian Church will host Vacation Bible School from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on July 20-24. For more information call 847-9535.
Miles Pike in concert
First Baptist Bloomfield, 500 Lincoln Drive, will host Christian singer and songwriter Miles Pike in concert Sunday at 4 p.m. in the church sanctuary. Pike has been a featured performer at the nationally acclaimed Stamps-Baxter School of Music in Nashville, Tenn. For more information call the church at 384-8459.
Bloomfield Class of 1989
The Bloomfield High School class of 1989's 20 year class reunion has been canceled. For more information call Michelle Richardson at 384-3499.
Feed the Hungry Banquet
Tickets are now available for the Annual Greene County Farmers & Hunters Feeding the Hungry banquet to be hosted Aug. 22 at the Bloomfield First Baptist Church Christian Life Center. The doors will open at 5:30 p.m. and a BBQ dinner will follow. A live auction will also be conducted. Cost is $10 per person. Last year's banquet raised funds to cover the cost of processing 12,000 servings of venison. All of this meet was distributed to the hungry of Greene County. To buy a ticket or for more information about how to donate to this event, contact Mike Toon at 381-1972.
Bloomfield Pool
The Bloomfield Pool now has $2 Sundays. Cost to swim on Sundays is $2 and each swimmer gets a coupon for a free popsicle.
Fearnot family reunion
The Fearnot family reunion is Sunday at the Walnut Grove Fellowship Hall with a basket dinner at noon.
Community Vacation Bible School
Bloomfield United Methodist Church, First Christian, First Presbyterian, Mansions in Heaven and Word of Life Fellowship will hold community VBS from 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. July 20-24 at the Bloomfield Park. For more information contact Cinda Williams at 384-8836. Pre-registration is from 2-4 p.m. June 28 and July 12 at the park.
Gathering of former Wickes Lumber employees
A pitch-in dinner for former employees and family members of Bloomfield Wickes Lumber will be Aug. 2 at the southeast shelterhouse at the Bloomfield Park. Dinner will be at 1 p.m. For more information call 384-5191, 384-4964 or 384-4615.
Greene County Tourism group
Future meetings have been tentatively scheduled for Aug. 6 from 5-6 p.m. (Linton Public Library); Sept. 3, 5-6 p.m. (Worthington Public Library); Oct. 1, 5-6 p.m. (Linton Public Library); Nov. 5, 5-6 p.m. (Bloomfield Public Library); Dec. 3, 5-6 p.m. (Linton Public Library).
Newberry Little Mister, Little Miss
The Newberry Little Mister and Little Miss Contest is scheduled for Aug. 22. A child can enter if he/she is 3-5 years by Aug. 22, 2009. Your child will collect a penny a vote starting the month of July. The money will be donated to the Riley Children's Hospital. If interested in entering your child, contact Missy Harding at (812) 699-0279 or e-mail at for additional rules.
A.M. Risher Pool fundraiser
A water volleyball tournament and dance will be at the A.M. Risher Memorial Pool in Linton on July 31. Volleyball starts at 6 p.m. Proceeds will benefit the pool -- which is in need of repairs. Donations are currently being accepted at the pool.
Bingo at American Legion
Linton American Legion Post 22 will host bingo on Wednesday and Friday nights. Doors open at 5 p.m. and bingo starts at 6:30 p.m. Proceeds will be used for charity.
2009 Black Creek Festival
The Sandborn Lions Club is making plans for the 2009 Black Creek Festival -- which will be at the Sandborn Park. Spaces are available for craft and flea market vendors. Anyone interested in renting booth space should call Earl Meek at (812) 694-8901. More information will be available soon.
Linton Library summer hours
The Linton Public Library has begun observing its summer hours. During the week, the doors close at 6 p.m. except for programs scheduled after hours. Friday (9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.) and Saturday (9:30 a.m.- 3 p.m.) times remain the same. These hours will be followed until Sept. 8.
Book sale in Worthington
The Worthington Public Library is having an on-going book sale. All books are 25 cents each or five for $1.
Bohley Cemetery
Donations for Bohley Cemetery are now being taken. For more information call 384-8375.
Newberry Festival
Planning for the Newberry Festival is well under way and vendors and parade entries are currently being sought. E-mail for the entry forms. If you would like to give a donation to the festival please make checks payable to Newberry Festival and mail to Newberry Festival c/o Judy Moore, PO BOX 133, Newberry, Ind., 47449-0133
Shakamak class of 1967 to meet
The 1967 Shakamak High School graduates should mark Sept. 25 on their calendars as a 60th birthday celebration is planned. The catered dinner/party will be at Shakamak State Park's log cabin starting at 4 p.m. with dinner scheduled for 6:30 p.m. The cost of the dinner will be $9 per person. If anyone can provide addresses for any Shakamak High School 1967 classmate, please contact Patty English Strahla at (812) 939-3187 or e-mail Patty will also be taking reservations for the dinner and those can be mailed to her at 307 W. 7th Street, Clay City, Ind., 47841
Greene County afghans for sale
The Greene County Afghans, sponsored by the Scotland Historical Society, can be purchased at Main Street Gifts, Linton; Greene County Historical Society and Mar' Lyn's, Bloomfield or by calling Brenda Massette 863-2874.
House of Grace
House of Grace Coffee House will offer fellowship, food, worship and youth classes. The church is located at 792 S. Section St. in Dugger.
Pleasantville food pantry
The Pleasantville United Methodist Church food pantry is now open on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month from 10:30 a.m. - noon.
GED preparation classes
Turning Point Education Center in Switz City is offering GED preparation classes. Class times are available Monday through Friday from 8:15 to 11:15 a.m. and noon to 3 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays 5 - 8 p.m. Interested students may contact Misty Hunt at 659-2533 for program information and enrollment requirements.
Linton Community Share
Sign up for Linton Community Share at Linton City Hall on Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Lyons Senior Center Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Worthington Senior Center Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Lyons Senior Citizens Center
The Lyons Senior Citizens Center, 150 N. Jefferson St., now has wooden toy crafts for sale. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Lyons First Christian Church youth group
The Lyons First Christian Church youth group meets at 6 p.m. on Mondays at the church's East Broad Street location.
E-mail complaints
Linton residents can report problems with pot holes, street complaints and drainage issues by e-mailing them to
Jasonville Senior center update
The Jasonville Senior Citizen Center, located at 145 S. Lawton, has opened a country store and gift shop. It will be open from 9 a.m.-noon on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. All proceeds will benefit the senior center. For more information, call the center at 665-9882.
Wig bank
The American Cancer Society announced its wig program is now being offered to cancer patients at Pam's Style Shop in Bloomfield. The program is a service of the American Cancer Society and is free to cancer patients. For more information, call Dona Stewart at 384-4160 or visit Pam's Style Shop, at 3 County Road 70 E.
Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous will meet Saturdays at 7 p.m. at the Trinity Lutheran Church on State Road 54 East. There will be open discussion and all are welcome.
Lebanon church food pantry
Lebanon Baptist Food Pantry will only be open on the fourth Thursday of each month from 6-7:30 p.m.
Bloomfield Food pantry
The Refuge Assembly of God food pantry will be open every Wednesday from 1-5 p.m. to assist those living in Bloomfield. To donate, please contact Trina at 384-8093 during the pantry's open hours.