Rear-end collision sends one woman to hospital

Monday, August 30, 2010

One woman was taken to the emergency room and two others, including an infant, were also treated for injuries after an accident involving two vehicles on Base Road south of Linton early Monday afternoon.

Carri Hughes, 49, Bloomfield, was transported by the Greene County Ambulance Service to Greene County General Hospital.

Jamie M. Bunch, 30, and an infant were later transported by personal vehicle to the hospital for treatment.

The accident occurred at approximately 12:22 p.m. on Base Rd. west of County Road 1050W in Stockton Township.

Greene County Sheriff's Deputy Terry L. Wade responded and reported Hughes was eastbound on Base Rd. in a 2002 Jeep Liberty behind another vehicle, a 2001 Ford F-150 truck being driven by Rickey Bunch, Jr., 24, Linton.

Bunch was driving at a slower rate of speed than Hughes.

Jamie Bunch and the infant were passengers in the truck driven by Rickey Bunch.

The police report says as Hughes crested a hill in the roadway, she observed Bunch's vehicle in front of her and applied the brakes attempting to avoid a collision.

However, the Hughes vehicle did not stop until colliding with the rear end of Bunch's truck.

No further information was released regarding the nature or extent of injuries.

Personnel from the Lyons Police Department and Linton Rescue also responded to assist on the scene.

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  • She had to be speeding. There is no possible way she could have not seen the truck in front of her unless driving at an extreme rate of speed. I drive that road everyday. Something needs to be done there. It is too dangerous of a hill especially with tractors and semis pulling out of the grain bin at the bottom of the hill. There have already been deaths there just in the last couple years. Do something!

    -- Posted by faithfulfan on Tue, Aug 31, 2010, at 11:41 AM
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