Letter to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Friday, November 12, 2010

Howell family

says thank you

To the editor:

The family of Clarence Howell wants to thank everyone who brought food to our homes and funeral home, sent flowers, cards, and gifts.

We'd also like to thank:

Jenkins Funeral Home for everything they did to help us through a difficult time, the Rev. John Catchem for the lovely service, the Lyons Community Church, the Linton First Church of God and everyone who brought food for the meal after the service, Ketchams Memorial Center and the Daviess Community Hospital Hospice Unit for their loving and wonderful care of Clarence.

Thank you to all our wonderful friends and neighbors for their prayers, love and support during Clarence's illness.

Mayme Howell


Paula Wilson


Craig Howell


Clay Howell


Thanks to baby contest sponsors

To the Editor:

We would like to thank the following people who helped make the baby contest at the Apple Festival a success. Without your help it would be possible.

Many thanks to Bloomfield State Bank, Farmers & Mechanics Bank, Main Source Bank, Pizza Hut, Guys & Gals, Vandeventer Dentistry, Edward Jones Investments, Munden Dentistry, Wendy's, McDonald's, Cornelius Photography, AAA Hoosier Motor Club, Pamida and Stoll's Country Inn.

Thanks also to the parents and children who participated and to our out-of-county judges who truly had a hard job in picking winners.

Bloomfield Chapter 538 Order of the Eastern Star

Rhea Dawn Gadberry

Sorority thankful

for support

To the Editor:

Gamma Rho Chapter of Psi Iota Xi Philanthropic Sorority would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that supported us with their donation to our recent fundraiser, the choice of a processed hog or $250.

We are happy to announce and congratulate the winner, Tony Richards. The remainder of the proceeds will go toward our Scholarship Award in the spring.

We are so grateful for the support and encouragement of our community.

Sharon Payne


Gamma Rho president,


Reader questions photos

To the Editor:

As I read the article Breathe, Smile, Enjoy in the Oct. 8 paper, I noticed that although it seemed innocent enough on the surface there appeared to be a deeper meaning.

The on-line photos especially seemed to tell a different story. When I looked at the pictures, there was what appeared to be Wiccan objects in the foreground. These objects were not hidden, but out for all to see.

Watchmen, open your eyes. Isaiah 21:6

Jim Sanders

Switz City