Sullivan man arrested on multiple charges

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Sullivan County man was picked up Wednesday by Linton police officers on a warrant for intimidation, criminal confinement, battery and auto theft.

According to a Linton Police Department news release, Michael R. Neff, 39, of rural Sullivan, was arrested without incident at Independence Place after the LPD received information about his whereabouts.

Neff was arrested by LPD Cpl. Paul Clark at the apartment complex -- which is located at 730 K St. SE.

He was then transported to the Greene County Jail -- where he is currently being held on a $13,000 bond with no 10 percent.

The arrest warrant resulted from a previous incident -- which was reported by Neff's girlfriend on Sept. 24.

According to the probable cause affidavit filed in Greene County Circuit Court on Sept. 27, Neff got into an altercation with his girlfriend after meeting her at the Uptown Tavern in Dugger.

Upon arriving to the tavern, she reported that Neff was enraged and informed her that they were leaving.

Neff then made her drive the back roads to Linton while he accused her of cheating on him, notes the court document.

She also reported that during the ride to Linton, Neff hit her in the mouth and the nose and that upon arrival to her apartment he took her car keys and made her go inside.

While inside, Neff rummaged through her belongings, looking for what he believed to be evidence of an affair.

He also threatened her further by saying she was "not going to leave" and that "the ball is going to roll tonight."

Neff then threatened her and her family if she called the police, saying he'd only spend one night in jail and when he got out he would kill her or her family.

According to the court document, he also struck her in the head again leaving a knot and causing pain.

When Neff was rummaging through a trash can, with his back to the victim, she unlocked the door and ran away to a neighbor's house. He followed her out the door, chasing her.

As she ran away, Neff got into her vehicle and used the keys he had taken from her to get away.

LPD Cpl. Clark was the investigating officer in the matter and was assisted on scene by Officers Thomas Jerrels and Brock Garrison.

Intimidation is a class C felony, criminal confinement and auto theft are both class D felonies and battery resulting in bodily injury is a class A misdemeanor.

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  • Looks like he will spend more than one night in jail!

    -- Posted by lintonite on Fri, Nov 12, 2010, at 5:34 PM
  • Why did the jasonville guy get a 130,000 bond and the baby beater got a $45,000 bond? Oh the good ole small town life!!!!!

    -- Posted by riverbottoms on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 8:34 AM
  • sorry, i ment the sullivan man

    -- Posted by riverbottoms on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 8:36 AM
  • riverbottoms...I believe the story says the Sullivan man got $13,000 bond not $130,000.

    -- Posted by lintonite on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 9:07 AM
  • They should do away with bond altogether when it involves hurting another human being. Why should anyone who has threatened, hurt, intimidated, given a chance to get out of jail even temporarily so they can go and hurt the person some more? JMO. Talk about insanity.

    -- Posted by sassy12 on Sun, Nov 14, 2010, at 7:47 AM
  • must run in the family...........this guy is crazy

    -- Posted by jojo75 on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 12:59 AM
  • Glad to hear he is behind bars, can't help but wonder how long he will stay there though. Should of been there a long time ago and this never would have happened to another woman. Hopefully this time he will stay there for a long long time. This guy needs to be kept off the streets, believe me, I know.

    -- Posted by swilson on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 10:04 AM
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