Callison in court for initial hearing

Friday, November 12, 2010

The rural Bloomfield man accused of the multiple rape and sexual deviant conduct acts forced on a 78-year-old woman during a robbery at her home was formally charged on nine felony counts in Greene Superior Court on Friday morning.

Alex C. Callison, 28, entered the courtroom handcuffed with his hands tethered to a leather belt around his waist for his 15-minute initial hearing.

Callison, a former Linton resident, is accused of breaking into the woman's home and carrying out a variety of sex acts during the early morning hours of Oct. 28 with the incident stretching into the afternoon.

He is also accused of stealing $500 in cash, whiskey and several Hydrocodone prescription pills from the victim.

The incident was not reported to State Police until Oct. 31 because the victim feared her attacker would kill her and her family, according to court records.

Callison was arrested the same day at a friend's home in Plainville for a parole violation stemming for an earlier burglary conviction.

In the courtroom Friday, Callison appeared relaxed and even yawned several times while Greene County Chief Deputy Prosecutor Cheryl Stone read the long list of his charges.

During the reading of the charge of criminal confinement, Callison shook his back and forth.

Callison is charged with:

* Burglary, a class A felony, which carries an advisory prison sentence ranging between 20 and 50 years with a fine up to $10,000.

* Two counts of rape, a class B felony, which carries an advisory prison sentence ranging 6 and 20 years and up to a $10,000 fine on each count.

* Two counts of criminal deviant conduct, which carry a sentence of six to 20 years and a fine up to $10,000 on each count.

* Robbery, a class C felony, which carries a sentence of two to eight years and a fine up to $10,000.

* Theft, a class D felony, which carries a sentence ranging between six months and three years and a fine up to $10,000.

* Criminal confinement, a class C felony, which carries a sentence range between two years and eight years and a fine up to $10,000.

* Intimidation, a class D felony, which carries a sentence ranging between six months and three years and a fine up to $10,000.

Superior Court Judge Dena Martin set his bond at $128,000 cash with no 10 percent allowed.

He is incarcerated in the Greene County Jail at Bloomfield.

When the judge asked if he could afford a lawyer, Callison replied, "I'm not sure."

He told the judge he was unemployed, last working for the David Lundy Farm, near Linton, until July or August.

He told the court that he has been living with his uncle located south of Bloomfield for several weeks.

Judge Martin appointed public defender James Reister as his attorney.

A pre-trial conference was set for 2:30 p.m. on Dec. 20.

According to the probable cause affidavit filed with the court by Indiana State Police Det. Stacy Brown, the victim told investigators that she lived alone and at about 3:30 a.m. the suspect allegedly knocked on her door.

When she did not answer it, Callison is alleged to have broken into her home and forced the elderly woman into her bedroom where he forced her to have sexual intercourse while he held her down by her shoulders,

Court records show that the suspect allegedly raped and forced the woman to perform sexual deviant acts several more times over the course of hours -- some while threatening her with a knife.

Callison is alleged to have then forced the victim to fix breakfast for him after which he took her into her living room and raped her again on the floor.

He is alleged to have raped her later in the bedroom before making a lengthy 88-minute long distance telephone call to a female acquaintance from Ohio that he met in an online website.

After the call, Callison is alleged to have raped the woman again.

Police say the Ohio woman called back to the victim's residence later in the afternoon.

The Ohio woman, Vannessa Farley, was interviewed by ISP detectives and told them that she had received a text message from Callison that stated he "had kidnapped a lady and he needed her help."

Callison is alleged to have told Farley that he had also stolen $500 from the Greene County woman and wanted her to come to Indiana to pick him up.

Farley heard Callison tell the (elderly) woman, "This girl just killed you," Det. Brown wrote in her probable cause affidavit.

In an interview with police, Callison said he "had walked into the home" while he was under the influence of alcohol and pills. He described encountering a middle age woman inside the house who was in her "40s" or "50s." He acknowledged "eating and drinking" inside the home and said the woman gave him the $500 that he is alleged to have stolen.

When he was confronted with conflicting details about what happened inside the woman's home, Callison told police that he needed an attorney and then began to cry, according to the probable cause affidavit.

Court records show that the victim suffered bruising and swelling to various parts of her arms and body.

On Nov. 4, the victim allegedly quickly picked Callison out of a photo line-up of six possible suspects. The woman was visibly shaken after seeing his photograph and had became physically sick during an earlier interview with police, according to the probable cause affidavit.

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  • Bless this womans heart! I'm glad she came forward! Who knows what he would have done next if she had not found the courage to report him!

    -- Posted by lintonite on Fri, Nov 12, 2010, at 5:38 PM
  • This sick man needs to be locked up and thrown away!! Poor elderly woman I hope she can find peace and continue forward!!

    -- Posted by greenecountymom on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 8:31 AM
  • Locking up is way too good for him.

    -- Posted by JW on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 9:52 AM
  • I hope one day this women can find peace and comfort in her life, God bless and be with you..........As for the creature i hope the devil gives you, your dues and good.........

    -- Posted by debby2751 on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 10:16 AM
  • Aren,t there cells without doors,windows or anything

    that could be apart of life. Throw that unhuman piece of low life trash so far behind bars that his

    food will have to push to him like the animal he is.

    I pray he never sees daylight again or another humanbeing for the rest of lousy life.

    He is not fit to be among decent people.

    I pray this brave lady and her family find the strength they will need face what is ahead of them .

    God be with you all.

    -- Posted by on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 6:07 PM
  • If he is found guilty and given the least sentence, he should get 38 years IF each sentence is served consecutive. I feel sure that Judge Martin will not let the sentence be concurrent. I would guess that if this guy and the baby beater will be given a dose of their own medicine. Just ask Vandeventer. I hear he has a broken nose and other bruises he got "accidentally" in the Greene County Jail. My prayers are with the injured.

    -- Posted by truthorfiction on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 8:37 PM
  • I hope he is in the general population at the jail!

    -- Posted by lillymae on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 10:00 PM
  • I feel so sad for this lady and pray she will find comfort and healing.

    I don't understand how burglary carries a higher jail sentence than hurting a human being. That just seems like the price of human life is held lower than that of material things in our justice system. I just think that seems backwards.

    Anyway, I hope he enjoys a longggggggg stay in prison where he can't hurt another human being!

    -- Posted by sassy12 on Sun, Nov 14, 2010, at 7:35 AM
  • Why is burglary a higher charge than rape? Bless this lady, I just hope he's locked up forever because these people do not change.

    -- Posted by tennisandbaseball on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 8:26 AM
  • Thank God this animal is behind bars. I was sexually assaulted in my own home by an unknown assailant in July. The authorities don't hold out much hope for my attacker's capture. I live in fear everyday. I am so glad this woman does not have to go through that. My heart goes out to this brave woman and I hope she gets the love and support she needs to heal.

    -- Posted by broken_angel_1821 on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 10:30 AM
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