Baby suffers severe injuries, Jasonville man arrested

Friday, November 12, 2010

A one-month-old child is reported to have suffered extremely serious injuries, which appear to be consistent with physical abuse, and the child's father has been arrested.

The baby is not expected to ever be able to walk, talk or see due to the injuries.

Kenneth E. Russell, 26, of Jasonville, the father, was taken into custody Wednesday and booked into the Greene County Jail by Indiana State Police Detective Paul Suding.

The preliminary charges filed against Russell include three counts of battery resulting in serious bodily injury, all as class B felonies.

Det. Suding has been investigating the case along with Case Manager Don Fish of the Greene County Department of Child Services.

According to a probable cause prepared by Det. Suding, the child, who was born on Oct. 6, was at home but not breathing on Sunday, Nov. 7.

An emergency call to 911 was made and the baby was transported to Greene County General Hospital, then transferred to St. Vincent Hospital in Indianapolis.

Fish said St. Vincent Hospital staff initially reported to him that the baby had 11 broken bones including fractures to the left and right femurs, multiple rib fractures, suffered bleeding on the brain, and that some of the fractures were new, others appeared to be a couple of weeks old, and that some of the blood on the brain was old, meaning there was bleeding on the brain in the past.

Det. Suding said both the mother and father of the child were interviewed and the mother "told me that she believed the injuries were not an accident. ... said that she is afraid of Kenneth, and had concerns with Kenneth's temper."

The investigators determined that since the child was born, Russell had only been alone with the child twice, once on Nov. 7 and one other time in late October in a time frame consistent with an estimate on when the older injuries took place.

Det. Suding wrote that when Russell was interviewed, he said he has had a lot of "personal frustrations" lately, and when the child's mother went to the store on Nov. 7, he was changing the baby's diaper when the child pulled his legs up and Russell grabbed and slammed his legs back down causing the fractures. A little later, the baby would not stop crying so Russell shook the baby.

According to the affidavit, Russell admitted that he was responsible for the baby's injuries.

Regarding the baby's condition, Det. Suding wrote, "On the afternoon of Nov. 10, I received a report from Dr. Coffey at St. Vincent Children's Hospital concerning a summary of the injuries suffered by the baby. According to Dr. Coffey, the baby was found to have bruising to the chest and rib cage, multiple fractures of different ages, including two recent rib fractures and six rib fractures from 7-14 days ago, fractures to both the right and left femur bones and the left tibia. The report also indicates that the baby suffered severe brain injury. According to information provided by Sheila Day, LCSW, Coordinator for the Child Protection Team at St. Vincent Hospital, the baby will not be able to walk, talk or see due to the extent of the injury to the brain."

Russell is currently being held in jail on $45,000 bond. He is scheduled to appear in Greene Circuit Court for an initial hearing on Monday at 1:15 p.m.

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  • So sad..that poor baby..Hope this guy gets what he deserves and then some..

    -- Posted by cardmom3 on Fri, Nov 12, 2010, at 10:06 PM
  • I still think that the good ol "eye for and eye" method should still take place, and that still wouldn't be justice enough for the poor innocent child!!!! I am sure this guy has a place in hell!

    -- Posted by solsberry101 on Fri, Nov 12, 2010, at 10:09 PM
  • this might sound awful but i hope he is on drugs cause hate to think a person not on drugs would do this to anyone but a helpless child he needs a old time blanket party . i dont know any of them but i wish the best for the baby

    -- Posted by big miner on Fri, Nov 12, 2010, at 10:20 PM
  • What is WRONG with people? Everything from threatening and raping an innocent 78-year-old woman, to harming a one-month-old infant is just sick and wrong. Let's see some justice in this sad case.

    -- Posted by bloomfield20 on Fri, Nov 12, 2010, at 10:22 PM
  • Another one of the low down people out there....

    -- Posted by webdogz on Fri, Nov 12, 2010, at 10:43 PM
  • Why is there a bond???? He should be forced to properly care for the child (under constant watch) for the rest of his miserable life.

    -- Posted by redriver on Fri, Nov 12, 2010, at 10:57 PM
  • If this man is guilty of these crimes, the one thing that would be worse than this horrendous, unthinkable tragedy is to find Mr Russell unable to stand trial due to mental illness.

    To prey on the most innocent of creatures, a precious miracle of life, takes the lowest of life forms - a person with no moral value. The death penalty would be too kind for this type of person.

    -- Posted by RayA on Fri, Nov 12, 2010, at 10:58 PM
  • As the father of a beautiful little girl, I can honestly say that some people need to be castrated. Mr. Russell appears to be one of these people. Takes a big man to beat up a defenseless newborn. This loser needs his *** beat.

    -- Posted by laker006 on Fri, Nov 12, 2010, at 11:17 PM
  • This just sickens me to read about could someone ever hurt a baby!? It is absolutely ridiculous! I agree, the death penalty would be too kind. He deserves to rot in jail for the rest of his life. My prayers are with this innocent baby.

    -- Posted by bloomfield26 on Fri, Nov 12, 2010, at 11:29 PM
  • This is sooo sad.. so he started beating when the baby was 2 weeks old.. REALLLY.... sick!! wheres the mom? crap man.. i feel for the baby.. Why not attempted murder for this douche?

    -- Posted by dkl on Fri, Nov 12, 2010, at 11:47 PM
  • oh and ps the mother should be charge if she knew it wasnt an accident and still let him beat her baby..

    -- Posted by dkl on Fri, Nov 12, 2010, at 11:48 PM
  • What in hell is going on around here?!?! Unbelievable!

    -- Posted by GC native on Fri, Nov 12, 2010, at 11:50 PM
  • Words cannot describe how awful this is.

    As a mother, I cannot even begin to say what I would do to this man..

    -- Posted by SGA on Fri, Nov 12, 2010, at 11:50 PM
  • GC native.......What in hell? Satan! He is working overtime.

    -- Posted by redriver on Fri, Nov 12, 2010, at 11:55 PM
  • I visited Kenneth's Myspace and Facebook pages and it seems apparent that he was definitely having some problems. Hard for me to grasp how what appeared to be a once loving father could snap to the point of doing something like this.


    Status: "im giving up.......... screw it!!!!!!!! Life is going to hell"


    Favorite Quotations: "The greatest evil is physical pain"

    This last quote really got to me! This is so sad. Prayers out to the poor baby and family.

    -- Posted by dorindaJ on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 1:16 AM
  • I ask everyone who reads this tragic story to pray for this helpless baby. To enter the world and be afflicted by this evil torture, that most people never go through, nor should have to, is unfathomable. This poor innocent baby, one-month-old, never had a chance and will need God's help and remarkable healing. Please, everyone take just a small amount of time and pray for this child's strong recovery and the hope that it may somehow avoid any personal psychological demons inflicted by this sadistic, abusive sociopath.

    -- Posted by Hoosier_Daddy on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 2:31 AM
  • The poor child! Yes, the mother should also be held responsible and any other children in the home should be taken away....

    -- Posted by pooka1 on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 5:47 AM
  • This is aweful. I dont know what these poeple are thinking. Do they not have any heart at all? I dont know how someone could hurt a baby or child. I know a couple personally who hurt there children and luckly they are in the hands of someone now who loves them and cares for them very much. Their parents didnt get anything like they should have. Hopefully something will be done to this peice of crap.

    This Russell should have a long life in jail. Also the mother should be punished in some way. If your scared that bad of someone get out of there and do something about it. Dont be such a coward stand up and put a stop to this abuse espcially if the man if abusing your newborn baby. Also I dont care how many personal frustrations a person has. That is no excuse for hurting anyone. If everyone did what this man did because of "personal Frustrations" what would this world be like? We will be praying for this sweet little baby.

    -- Posted by IHEARTU on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 6:28 AM
  • I am speechless..

    -- Posted by Aug on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 7:05 AM
  • It is pretty clear that they didn't want the baby. This isn't his first child, it's his second. I hope he rotts in HELL. That poor baby will never get to experience anything in life because of that low life scum bag.

    So did the mother not notice bruises on that poor babies chest. I don't think that she is really that afraid of him, it sounds like she is trying to save her on butt from going to jail. They both should be in there.

    -- Posted by Linton_mom on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 7:36 AM
  • I read this late last night and was just sick. Anyone that has changed a diaper, knows how often a baby moves their legs. The baby most likely has been crying due to a dirty diaper, and is happy to get a new one put one.

    I question what happened "in late October"? Where there any bruises? Seems like there was "some old blood on the brain". Did the mother and family / friends NOT NOTICE this then?

    Quote from the story above: and the mother "told me that she believed the injuries were not an accident. ... said that she is afraid of Kenneth, and had concerns with Kenneth's temper."


    I really feel for this baby. The father, mother and ANY family / friends that knew about the abuse and didn't turn it in!

    -- Posted by Country Livin' on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 7:38 AM
  • All, Let's pray for the child and may God have mercy on the child and will heal it's injuries. May God have Mercy on the Father's soul, becuase man kind will never give him that respect!

    -- Posted by Marknfla on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 8:24 AM
  • I wish I could be alone with this guy for just 1 hour and show him what frustration is and have him feel the pain he put this poor child through,but when he gets to prison the other inmates find out what he is in for he will get what is coming to him

    -- Posted by dodge47441 on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 8:29 AM
  • This is just horrific. This man needs to be treated the same way. I'm a single parent and I would NEVER do that to my child!! He has some serious issues! Send him to prison and let word out he's a child abuser and we will see where he is then!!! This poor child will never have a normal life now do to this sick sick man! As for the mother if she was "frightened" by him why the heck would she leave the child alone w/ him for 1 sec.???? And as country livin' said, where there not any bruises or anything from the beating in Oct.?

    -- Posted by greenecountymom on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 8:29 AM
  • She is guilty as well for leaving the baby alone with this monster. You can't tell me she did not know something was wrong from the beginning.

    -- Posted by Mr ABA on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 8:45 AM
  • As a mother of a young son, this just makes me cry. How can you do this to an innocent child who doesn't know any better?! Temper or not, this shouldn't have happened in the first place. Now this child will never get to experience a decent life like it should have.

    -- Posted by ad astra on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 8:46 AM
  • They should now shake the father til he will never walk or see again and let him live the rest of his life like that, it is what he deserves! How horrible that poor baby, bless his little heart!!! Let's all send prayers to the good lord for this innocent little sweetheart!

    -- Posted by Member2011 on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 8:55 AM
  • I am the adoptive mother of a child who suffered from shaken baby syndrome from age 2 months to 6 months. He suffers from many medical problems from the abuse. Until the laws start protecting our children this abuse will continue. This "man" will recieve a free attorney and this child will receive a life of pain.

    Children are our greatest natural resources and should be protected above all else.

    My prayers to the child.

    -- Posted by ahtmom on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 9:21 AM
  • You are right preacherbill52. This is a screwed up country full of sick people.

    -- Posted by redriver on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 9:21 AM
  • Dodge. i wouldn't need and hour!!!!!!

    -- Posted by sergeantmajor on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 10:06 AM
  • How sad! My thoughts and prayers are with that poor baby.

    I don't understand how anyone could hurt a baby that small. A baby who was crying only because he was wet or hungry or just wanted to be held and loved on.

    If the mother was concern with the guy's temper, she should of never left that baby in the hands of that guy.

    -- Posted by MinerChic on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 10:40 AM
  • This just makes me sick!!! The mother is just as much to blame as he is!!! Someone needs to take out there "frustrations" on him and make it to were he can't see or walk but still live to tell the tale!

    -- Posted by buddy01 on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 10:57 AM
  • I agree with the fact that he needs to ROT in jail. If they didn't want this precious child then they should of given it to someone who did! I know there are women in this world who would give anything to have a child and can't and it seems like scum like this can have them any time they want. I would NEVER in my life hurt an innocent child and I can't imagine someone else would. This world today has so many crazys in it, I am not surprised at all of all the goings on. From rapeing a 78 year old to abusing a one month old. Our society is made up of a bunch of sickos like these two---- GOD HELP THIS COUNTRY!!!

    This so called mother should be held responsible for this too. If she knew it was no accident she should be in jail beside him! But our court system will just let both of them slide and smack them on the hand and-- Let them have another child to abuse. They ought to FIX both of them where they can't have any more children!

    -- Posted by Scorpio1969 on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 11:22 AM
  • Praying for the baby. This is such a tragedy.

    -- Posted by charsellsavon on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 11:34 AM
  • PLEASE everyone come together and pray for this child. Miracles can and do happen! Agree with me that this baby will be healed!

    NO circumstances EVER justify the abuse and suffering of an innocent child that cannot defend itself. Both of the parents should be held accountable, because if the mother was so afraid, she should have never left the two alone together. This is a situation that could have been prevented!

    -- Posted by dorothy_gale on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 11:52 AM
  • I volunteer for the Greene County Firing Squad. And I'm sure I would have zero problems sleeping after carrying out the sentence on this guy.

    -- Posted by RayA on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 12:21 PM
  • May God have mercy on this man's soul! What kind of a person does something like this to a helpless child! I hope this man gets exactly what he deserves!!

    -- Posted by mrscox on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 12:49 PM
  • Abuse of a 1 month old baby, rape of a 78 year old woman, burning kittens...boy there sure are alot of tough guys out there. Our "civilized" society appears to continue its downward spiral.

    -- Posted by charles on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 1:04 PM
  • Only a COWARD takes angry out on the most innocent of victims....most of the time babies or young children. The mother is equally guilty since she knew there were injuries. She could have gotten a restraining order but NO, she saved

    her own butt. Put them both away and throw away the key.

    -- Posted by Carnac on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 2:10 PM
  • Oh my, how sad and to think the child has to live not knowing what an animal sound is or be able to see a flower in bloom. Its ashame that he did this to a baby, there are other ways to cope with his issues.

    -- Posted by katybug9 on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 2:32 PM
  • PLEASE!!! As a mother, I beg of you! DO NOT bail this monster out of jail! Look at pics of this sweet little baby: and say in good conscience that this sub-human is entitled to his freedom...when this poor little baby will NEVER be able to walk, see, or talk :( We all have our bad days, but there is NO excuse to take it out on an innocent child! If the mother knew about what he was doing to her son, then she deserves to be in jail right along with him.

    -- Posted by IndiMa06 on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 3:32 PM
  • What is goingto happen to the mother and I use that word with pain.I mean she hadto know what was going on with her child.Didn,t she change him,bathe him, feed him I mean come on it wouldseem to me that is

    as a guilty as her scum of a husband. She should get

    what everything he does.

    -- Posted by on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 6:01 PM
  • I do not know what to type except- I will be on the firing squad, some of you will wait, I am first.

    Let him out on bail- he wont be back-

    I see so many names of people that post comments, sometime we agree and sometimes we dont - but here we all agree.

    May the Lord have mercy on his soul.

    His facebook page made me want to throw my laptop away. He types wanting to get high, wanting drugs- wheww,,

    -- Posted by gary g on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 8:10 PM
  • I can't imagine how a mother could not know her child was injured the first time, let alone twice! Fear is a powerful tool but where is the family? Too many young people are having babies. There are more and more unwed teenage mothers in our area. Abstinence is good in theory but these kids are looking for someone to love them. I know of one teenager who got pregnant just because her older sister had a baby (teen and not married) and she thought the older sister was getting too much attention (from their parents)so she had tried for three years to get pregnant. Baby is due after the first of the year. Family is a foreign word. We all need to get involved. This poor baby never had a chance! My prayers are with the child. The mother will probably not be charged because she will testify against the "father". These backroom deals suck! She is guilty by association!

    -- Posted by truthorfiction on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 9:12 PM
  • I agree with mammyicle. Tye him on the courthouse lawn and let everyone and anyone that wants to, to do whatever they want to him. I lost a child at 4 mos. of age due to crib death and would have done anything to be able to save him. Then to think some jerk like this can treat a baby like this, it just makes me sick. And the bail set for this monster is way too low. It should be high enough that no way, no how could he even think of being able to come up with it. I will be praying for this innocent little baby several times daily. And also praying that this sicko gets what he deserves.

    -- Posted by smurfette on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 9:14 PM
  • blondie21, if his kids were his world, he would of never done what he did to that poor baby... He ADMITTED to causing harm to that baby, so how is he being wrongly accused of hurting the baby?

    -- Posted by MinerChic on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 10:07 PM
  • While I agree $45,000 is way to low, this in not bail but a bond. IF anyone would want him out of jail, it's going to take $45,000.00 to do - in cash.

    -- Posted by RayA on Sat, Nov 13, 2010, at 11:37 PM
  • why in the world did he even get a bond i think they should just beat him like the baby got from him and then hang the worthless piece of sh*t people like that dont even need kids and i feel for the mother and poor child my prayers are with them both

    -- Posted by nightowl47441 on Sun, Nov 14, 2010, at 12:02 AM
  • Judging by the number of comments posted this

    story resonates with the community. This only helps

    prove the point that some people should not procreate or be anywhere near children. My heart

    cries out for this little one. May God hold him in

    His loving arms.

    -- Posted by thegovenor on Sun, Nov 14, 2010, at 7:10 AM
  • I just put this little baby on my prayer list jesus said vengence is mine I will repay saith the lord. Kenneth will pay for what he has done to this poor baby

    -- Posted by hello kitty on Sun, Nov 14, 2010, at 9:52 AM
  • The pole things is good..but give them only enough to "live" on. Because the helpless baby will need constant care. Oh yes the PERSON that birthed this baby no way resembles a MOTHER.. She to should have a pole of her own.. We pray for the BABY and know GOD will watch over him..

    There should be no mercy for either of them.......

    A sperm donor and a womb DOES NOT make these animals (or less) PARENTS....NO MERCY FOR EITHER !!!

    -- Posted by 20TS14 on Sun, Nov 14, 2010, at 9:56 AM
  • I may be the only one who is on the mom's side here, but that is because I was married to a very abusive man. He would say things like "You'll never leave me. No one else would be stupid enough to love you", "Who are you going to tell? No one will believe you", "Your family will never help you leave me. They like me", etc. After a while you start to believe it yourself. Maybe she was having the same things said to her, and believed he was right. I'm extremely thankful my parents saw the truth, and got us away from him! It was only AFTER I had left him, I had found out what he had done to our/MY daughter. He was very good at making up stories. So, like I said, I for one am on the mom's side here. She needs support, not ridicule.

    -- Posted by marysmom on Sun, Nov 14, 2010, at 3:35 PM
  • this man needs to be put to dealth thats how i feel ectric chair

    -- Posted by rocker on Sun, Nov 14, 2010, at 5:19 PM
  • Too bad the character Dexter doesn't live in Greene County, he would have something to "take care" of tonight!

    -- Posted by mikies on Sun, Nov 14, 2010, at 9:09 PM
  • blame this mother for what low life kenney has done to his own all who are passing judgement on this poor mom is just as you know this mom you know anything about her.. well i do i personally know her and i know what kind of mother she is...........she has basically been the provider for these babies and for that scum......... it takes a big man to beat on a baby and on women.....this mothers boys are her life.. i know for a fact that if she would of known what was goin on she would of turnned his sorry butt in... and all of you judging her like you know her.....its ridiculous how so many are so quick to point the finger at the wrong person...get over yourselves this poor baby is in the condition he is in because of KENNY RUSSELL.... NOT BECAUSE OF THE MOM..... SHE IS THE ONE WHO MADE THE 911 CALL NOT THE DAD AFTER HE SHOOK THAT POOR BABY.............

    -- Posted by jojo75 on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 12:54 AM
  • iorgandonor3, Wednesday was the NOV 10th, I can't see anywhere where he was logged in on NOV 13th? Is that what you mean? he logged in and posted the following on the night prior to being arrested though...


    im giving up.......... screw it!!!!!!!! Life is going to hell...... 11:24 PM Sep 9

    Read more:

    According the this article written above he was found not breathing on the 7th he logged into myspace on the 9th and was arrested wednesday the 10th...which sat are you talking about?

    the 6th or the 13th?

    -- Posted by lillymae on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 7:06 AM
  • On the link you provided, whatsupingreenecounty, it reads "last login 11-13-2010". That is below his name and where he is from right beside his pic. I didn't see the post you were addressing, but I just wanted to point it out.

    -- Posted by dorothy_gale on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 9:05 AM
  • Poor Poor baby): I just wanna cry for the pain that it must be in! Not ever being to walk, see, or talk!!! YOU SACK OF SH**!

    -- Posted by polkadot on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 10:09 AM
  • I'm sure they will do a fact finding on him, then off to jail he will go. Have to agree with a comment earlier about him taking care of the child under supervision. After he gets out of prison he should have 2 people supervise him taking care of the child. He shouldn't be able to get out of prison, move in with some girl that is lonely and unable to meet someone normal. I believe he should have to see what he has done 24 hours a day . See what it is like to take care of a child with brain injuries. Why should he have the possibly of having a normal life in about 10 years for good behavior. He should have to care for the child for the rest of his life, and put work on top of it so he can pay back Medicaid for all the therapies this poor little one has to go through...

    -- Posted by pickleonthesunset on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 10:10 AM
  • Amen jojo75 these good citizens of Greene county have really showed their true colors on this. Pray for the poor child, kill the father, true Christian attitude. Also to the firing squad and butt beating citizens, it's easy to be a big man while your sitting at your computer!!! You can't bless someone in one breath then curse someone in the next breath. Read your bible, didn't Jesus preach on this? I believe He did. Don't get me wrong I think this is horrible, but i'm not going to pass judgement on this person because I don't want this judgement passed on me. Also to the person who gave out the fathers myspace and facebook info, get a life.

    -- Posted by reddawg on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 10:23 AM

    reddawg stated:

    "but i'm not going to pass judgement"

    "I don't want this judgement passed on me"

    "Also to the person who gave out the fathers myspace and facebook info, get a life"


    Hypocrisy at its finest, enough said!


    -- Posted by dorindaJ on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 11:20 AM
  • In this world, Satan has rampant control (as God allows) and the pain and sadness it has inflicted is unbelievable. I'm afraid however, that it's just going to get worse and won't really get any better until Jesus establishes his Kingdom. And yes we definetely should pray not only for this child but also for him and the mother. It's hard I know, but the Lord calls us as Christians to do just that! Right now I'm concentrating on praying for the child.

    -- Posted by AlanaMR on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 11:56 AM
  • IndiMa06 those pics on his myspace page are of his first child...There isn't any pictures of the baby that he beat....

    stislow2810 I agree with you 100%. I know if I was afraid of the man that I was with I sure in the hell wouldn't leave my child alone with him...Was the other children there with him as well? If not who was watching them?

    Really, who cares if someone went and checked out his myspace and facebook pages. And for the one that said it I'm sure you probably have looked at them at some point to. So don't be judging someone else for doing it.

    -- Posted by Linton_mom on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 11:57 AM
  • I dont really care what the mother had to say, as I do agree with the other comments on here...


    Answer that question sweetheart!!

    Now because of the actions you didnt take, your baby will never live the life that most people live! MY prayers are with this beautiful baby!

    -- Posted by polkadot on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 2:42 PM
  • Truthorfiction NOT ALL TEEN PARENTS ARE BAD!! I was a single teen parent and my child has straight A's and behaves 100% better than people who have children in late ages!!! He didn't beat his child because he's young, he did it because he is SICK!!! He is messed up in the head!!!!! Just thought I'd throw that out there!!!!!!

    -- Posted by greenecountymom on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 6:10 PM
  • Let me tell you something jojo75----I too lived with an abusive husband for 5 years. When he went on 1 of his rampages I grabbed my son and ran to my moms house. NOT ONE TIME was my son injured from the scum I was married to. Sure I got plenty of beatings for those 5 years but not 1 time was my son ever hurt. You can defend her all you want--- I LIVED IT, do you think I was not afraid of my husband? he was CRAZY!! In no way did she protect that child. She is a low life scum along side him!!! I thought I was in love with my husband(the reason I stayed). Let me tell you that is NOT LOVE!! And to set and say she is a good mother! She should of grabbed that child and ran for her life and saved that innocent child, instead she chose to stay and let him do that to her child. From my experiance with an abusive spouse and having a small child at the time I think she is a lousy mother and I don't have to know her. Facts are facts! All I can say about you is--- What planet are you from??

    -- Posted by Scorpio1969 on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 6:15 PM
  • scorpio1969 i am clearly stating she did not know that this was happening she is a good person you dont know her this hasnt been goin on her whole sorry you went through that for so long its hard been there done that but the whole truth of the story is this poor baby is now liviing a nightmare of a life due to his father abusing him not the mother..........

    -- Posted by jojo75 on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 6:22 PM
  • To:Truthorfiction,,,I was a teenage Mom & I would have killed someone who hurt my children!Maybe I was the exception to the rule but,I was and still am a very good mom.I'm not trying to promote teenage pregnancy here but, to say it has something to do with age is just crazy.If you love your children more than yourself then, you protect them.Doesn't matter what age you are.Not defending this young lady either but, it sounds to me like she was a victim too.She apparently didn't seek out help she needed for her or this precious child.If she was abused chances are he was going to hurt their kid's,she should've left !!I will be praying for this family and all involved,It just makes me sick!!

    -- Posted by K'sMomma on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 6:40 PM
  • Kenneth Russell is a monster! All of you who have talked about the mother needing to be held responsible need to do a little reading about domestic violence. You maybe shocked when you find out what kind of threats and abuse a batterer uses to make his victim stay. You may also be shocked to find out that a victim and the child involved are in much more danger after they leave. Not to meantion that he would likely have sought (batterers are much more likely to seek custody as a way to continue to have access to thier victim) and obtain court ordered visitation. As a matter of fact 58,000 children a year are sent into the custody of or unsupervised visits with batterers-even when there has been prior convictions of abuse.

    -- Posted by getreal33 on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 7:25 PM
  • your so right getreal33 even after you leave you still live your life in fear wether you have a protective order or not those monsters can still get at you

    -- Posted by jojo75 on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 7:58 PM
  • GreencountyMom-

    I am glad that you got away from your batterer. However; if you think your children didn't suffer seeing you abused, think again. Children who witness abuse, hear it or see the after effects deal with many of the same emotional problems that children who were physically abused themselves deal with-the bruises heal, but the memories stay. Not all abuse is physical and batterers use other forms of abuse on children even when they are not physically harming them. Additionally, many children are abused without thier mother's (or father's as the case might be) knowledge and either the child is to young to talk about it or is afraid to tell. You are blind if you think that your chidlren where not harmed during the time when you thought you where in love with your husband. It didn't take me 5 years to leave my abusive ex but me and the children where in more danger once I left. I thought my kids were safe and it was just me, but I was wrong. He, as many batterers do, was so hell bent on punishing me for thinking I had the right to leave that he had no problems hurting the kids to hurt me. I am currently fighting to keep him from having unsupervised visits. The last time he had them, things got bad. I don't know why I have to fight to keep them from unsupervised visits, but the courts do care about his rights (despite what some groups would have you think) and I have to proove he is still a danger-which is hard to do when he obviously isn't going to misbehave during supervised visits. And if he hurts my kids, all of those people who think it is my fault somehow are the same type of people that will make it hard to keep them protected. what are you going to do when the courts tell you that you have to let your children go with him? People don't want to hear the ungly truth, even when they lived it themselves.

    -- Posted by getreal33 on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 8:00 PM
  • This guy will get his. Karma is the ultimate equalizer. His life is ruined. Glad the paper has his pic posted so everyone in this county can see him. Pray for the baby and other family members not mentioned who want no part of this monster and his actions.

    -- Posted by NewberryUSA on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 9:46 PM
  • I went thru the mental, physical and verbal abuse that you all are talking about for 5 years BUT I protected my child! He said if I left he would kill me, etc., etc., and etc., yet I DID NOT STAND BY and let the monster I was married to abuse my son. You all can say what you will, but a good mother will protect their child no matter what. I am most certainly not bragging on myself, but I loved my child and would have protected him with my life! If she left this scum with that child and said him hurting that child was no accident, then she is as guilty as he is. There had to be signs on that childs body. A good mother would have notice something, don't ya think?? I notice small bruises on my grandchildren and they do not live with me and she was suppose to be taking such good care of this child. Come on now!

    -- Posted by Scorpio1969 on Mon, Nov 15, 2010, at 10:53 PM
  • Look at all of this. I sincerely hope that the creator wipes the slate clean. MANY of the people on earth don't appreciate the precious gift we were all given, LIFE, and turn into the lowest forms of scum, drunks, druggies, etc.

    -- Posted by Shootingstar on Tue, Nov 16, 2010, at 1:56 AM
  • This animal belongs in prison, for the rest of his life, if he would make it that far! This innocent baby is left without having a normal life and the animal that did this shouldn't be able too either. As for the mother, she too should go to prison. If she was afraid of this animal then why did she leave her innocent child with him? She should not be allowed to raise this child, she too has caused this baby to suffer.

    -- Posted by Go EG on Tue, Nov 16, 2010, at 9:22 AM
  • A class B felony, REALLY. Why not a class A. I see this abuse the same as murder. It saddens me to read about this poor baby. I hope kenneth suffers every day he is in prison.

    -- Posted by blue42 on Tue, Nov 16, 2010, at 9:57 AM
  • I agree with Scorpio1969. Take out the ability to reproduce. It needs to be done to a lot of people but these two especially. I vote YES.

    -- Posted by redbird08 on Tue, Nov 16, 2010, at 11:04 AM
  • I know alot of people will attack me for saying this but its the truth. This mother should be arrested right along side this psychopath. Police said she was afraid of him and knew he was violent so what does she do...leaves a helpless innocent baby alone with this monster. What in gods name was she thinking to get pregnant by this lunatic. Maybe when mothers start being held accountable things will start to change.

    -- Posted by mittens on Tue, Nov 16, 2010, at 11:41 AM
  • Amen mittens---I totally agree with you--you hit the nail right on the head! As I stated before---how could she NOT see the bruises?? The hospital stated that the chest area had bruising. Did she not bathe the child, or change its diaper?? I never left my child alone with my lunatic husband. I knew he was not safe. If I stayed, that was my stupid mistake--but an innocent child has no choice. They trust the person who is supposed to be protecting them from evil monsters such as this! She did not protect that child at all so in my eyes she is as guilty as he is. She may not have physically harmed that child but she most definately allowed it to happen.

    -- Posted by Scorpio1969 on Tue, Nov 16, 2010, at 2:25 PM
  • My thing is the "mom" was so scared and abused yet obviously she had freedom to leave the home but choose to leave her defensless baby behind. Bathing him she had to have seen the bruises from Oct. I too was in a abusive situation and Guess what anytime I went anywhere all 3 of my kids were with me. REGARDLESS of what the man said. I had noone either but if you want to uphold the mom while you are saying we are sick for passing jusgement, you are way off base. If he beat her she knew **** well what he would do to her children. In any other state any other county she would have lost her kids... I know 'cuz Vigo county got me for child endangerment even after I begged the police to help me leave with my kids.... Yes, I have my kids but had my ex done this to my child I would have lost them and been arrested with him. Yes, props for her calling for help but she is at fault too.

    -- Posted by deannajones on Tue, Nov 16, 2010, at 2:50 PM
  • Getreal33-

    I understand what u r saying, I wasn't in an abusive relationship ever so NO my child was not exposed to that!! I was just stating a fact that NOT all children abused are abused my teen parents... If that other person would look up the percentages most of the time children being abused are abused by "older" parents mid 20's or so!! But, I totally agree w/ what you are saying!! This dude is just a totally MONSTER, SCUM, and some other words that I can't say!!!!

    We need to pray for the health and recovery of this little child, and for the mother as well! She has had alot happened and she needs our prayers. If she did know I understand how frightened and scared she was to leave he obviously a very very horrid person!!!

    -- Posted by greenecountymom on Tue, Nov 16, 2010, at 5:33 PM
  • I hope the other child in the home has been examined at the hospital to see if there are any unreported injuries that weren't obvious to this mother who never seen bruises from the abuse 2 weeks prior to this one! unbelievable...the only reason why she "picked up" that something was wrong is because the BABY WASN'T BREATHING! otherwise she would not have called 911!

    -- Posted by lillymae on Tue, Nov 16, 2010, at 8:06 PM
  • Kenneth's Facebook page is dropping friends like flies. Was at 156, then 89 yesterday. Now is 81.

    Someone posted a message there "kenny had his initial hearing today. he will make it out this. just keep praying for him. the truth will come out in court"

    Apparently his family hasn't accepted his admission to the crimes.

    -- Posted by RayA on Tue, Nov 16, 2010, at 8:31 PM
  • Just a sling shot at the whole idea, but with the statement being made "the truth will come out in court" anyone stop to think if he may be covering up for the mom??? I was just sitting here thinking it's awful convinent that he offered up the details of a few weeks prior incident yet claims in the same breath the mother would never hurt her kids??? Kind of has me thinking what if it were the mother and he is covering for her. It happens when someone truely loves the other person. Maybe his thought truely is for the kids. Maybe he is taking the rap inorder to give her a chnce to straighten up and do right by the other kids... What's everyone elses take on this thought? Is it possible or is my head just working overtime?????

    -- Posted by deannajones on Wed, Nov 17, 2010, at 12:05 AM
  • You may not be so far off base. She HAD to see those bruises on that baby, yet done nothing to get it away from its so called abuser. And to say she was too scared to leave. Give me a break. I was scared too, but divorced my abuser some 35 years ago and he said he would kill me if I left. Well here I am today, fat and sassy. I really don't think she was as scared of him as she is letting on. She did however get scared when that poor child THEY were abusing stopped breathing. Knew she would be in serious trouble. And it goes both ways, if in fact he was not the abuser and knew she was then again BOTH are guilty as SIN.

    -- Posted by Scorpio1969 on Wed, Nov 17, 2010, at 8:08 AM
  • I too wonder why if she had the freedom to leave, why she didn't take the baby with her? I agree too that she had to have known what was going on.

    -- Posted by AlanaMR on Wed, Nov 17, 2010, at 8:46 AM
  • Maybe it is the mother?? if so, I hope the other children in the home have been evaluated by medical professionals, exrayed and all to see if any of them had broken bones that were not reported.

    I don't know how many children she has bore but sometimes post pardom depression can cause many women who suffer from it to do unimaginable things.

    She had to have been present when he shook the baby or 911 could not have helped. so the response by the emergency team is a good indication that she was present and he was not alone... It is possible that he broke the baby's legs and didn't tell her and when she got home the baby was crying so that she shook it?? there are so many possibilities. As long as he is going to keep with the story that he has told she will raise the children. Hopefully if it is ppd she will get help.

    -- Posted by lillymae on Wed, Nov 17, 2010, at 9:33 AM
  • 1. Find sturdy limb 2. Secure one end of a strong rope around limb... fashion the other end into a noose and place accordingly. 3. Find a very skiddish horse and place noosed individual in saddle with writsts restrained. 4. Slap horse on the rump. 5. Apologize to horse.

    -- Posted by Mr. Bojangles on Wed, Nov 17, 2010, at 11:25 AM
  • deannajones:

    I agree with you totally! Something in my gut has told me there is more to this. Mainly because the incidents "only" happened when she was gone, and because he has firmly claimed she would never hurt the kids. I had decided not to comment on this story until I read your post. Thought I was the only one who felt this way. Just a hunch I have as a mom, not saying its true. I don't know either of these people, so I can only speculate.

    -- Posted by feelinyounglookinold on Wed, Nov 17, 2010, at 11:26 AM
  • I can not believe people have gone from blaming the mother to discrediting his confession and actually saying maybe she did it. Abusive men are more likely to ask for custody and, believe it or not, they are more likely to get it--especially if the mother brings up domestic violence. If they don't get custody, they almost always get unsupervised visits, even when there is a conviction for a violent crime. So first a mother is bad if she doesn't leave to protect her kids and then once she has left she is bad when she tries to keep the kids from him. That is what our society does. Perhaps once people become for informed on the reality of domestic violence and the court system things will change. For the most part society does not understand what domestic violence is and many people will feel that the women must have done or said something to cause the man to act that way. According to another poster who claims to know the mother, she had never witnessed him harm the children and didn't believe until now that he did. It is not uncommon for good and loving mothers to not know their children are being abused.

    I have done everything I can to protect my children. That didn't stop my ex from running off to Canada with them to punish me. When they were found they were in pretty ratty shape. It didn't stop him from breaking into my home when he was out on bail for that charge. If it wouldn't have been for the boyfriend I had at the time having a gun in the home who knows what would have happened to me and my children. He has a significant criminal record and he lies every time we are in court. That hasn't stopped me from having to struggle to try to keep him from getting unsupervised visits-and spending thousands on an attorney that I can not afford while I struggle to make sure my children's basic needs are met.

    -- Posted by getreal33 on Wed, Nov 17, 2010, at 3:21 PM
  • getreal33---read your post! You said you did everything to protect your children. She did not! I feel bad for you because I had an abusive and crazy husband too. Been There, and had to protect my child to the point of getting out of there. But she admitted that she knew this was no accident so she knew he was abusing that child! You sound like a very good mother and I commend you for trying to protect your children at all cost. But this mother is as guilty as he is, if not more. A true mother defends their children to death if need be. She did not do this. She should have the rest of her children taken away. God help those little innocent children. And a good attentive mother notices every single bruise, scrape or anything else on their childs body thats not suppose to be there. You totally have the right to feel the way you do and I am certainly not trying to tell you how to feel but think about it. Wouldn't you have not noticed bruises on a one month olds chest and wondered where they came from? The child was not walking to fall against something, so where did they come from?

    I agree with you on the court system. They do not protect a woman who is being abused to the point(and its awful to say) the abuser kills that woman. Then the court system wonders what happened.

    -- Posted by Scorpio1969 on Wed, Nov 17, 2010, at 5:38 PM
  • Seems like to me everyone on here is posting their past abusive i will too.

    I am 16 years old ok, I have grown up seeing my father slap my mom around spit in her face, even try to kill her in front of me. But I forgave and forgot. That was over 10-11 years ago. They finally got divorced when I was 7-8! And I thank god everyday that my momma left him.

    I really have nothing to do with my dad nowadays I still see him sometimes though.

    But everyone on here is right! THE MOTHER SHOULD HAVE KNOWN HER BABY WAS BEING ABUSED! HOW COULD YOU NOT SEE THAT! This whole thing has just appalled everyone to see that anyone could ever do that to a baby! AND ONE MONTH OLD! Wow...the baby cant even barely lay on its tummy yet by itself! People like that should be CONDEMNED! I dont think God should show him NO mercy and put him in HELL with his father SATAN!

    -- Posted by polkadot on Thu, Nov 18, 2010, at 1:10 PM
  • I know we all would like to see this SOB swing by the neck, but for all you folks calling for a lynching, let's just remember that such mob "justice" very rarely had or has any positive effects for anyone involved. I'd love to hear Kenny Russell's neck snap as much as any one of you all, but unfortunately the penalty of death is no longer extended to the crime of which he is accused. We have courts for a reason, let them do their job. "Every dog has his day," so the saying goes; and in a free country even this so-called "person" must have his day in court.

    Pray for this baby, and pray for the mother--I can't begin to imagine the torment through which her soul is passing now. That anguish is probably worse than any punishment we can inflict. Most of all, pray for our magistrates--for Judge Allen and Mr. Holtsclaw. May God grant them wisdom and impartiality, and may justice be done.

    -- Posted by Br Mishler on Fri, Nov 19, 2010, at 11:36 PM
  • Justice won't be done! It is a well known fact, as Paul Harvey said ----"IF YOU WANT TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER, GO TO GREENE COUNTY, IN." Not my words, but his! I hope and pray for this babys sake that this is not the case for this monster and that so called mother of his!

    -- Posted by Scorpio1969 on Sun, Nov 21, 2010, at 4:22 PM
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