Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Monday, January 24, 2011

Talking about

our public schools

To the Editor:

Superintendents react to the governor's address had some good information the governor should consider. Public schools take students from homes that give no encouragement for the student to excel in academic studies.

Government officials who make standards to measure students by are not familiar with the normal curve for all students. The normal curve will show a small percentage of good students at one end that should be pushed to make the most of their ability.

The other end of the curve will show a small percentage of students who will never excel in academics. There is more effort to help the lower end of the curve than to push the top group to make the most of their ability.

The governor did not say anything about varsity sports. The public has let varsity sports become the most important part of the school system. Many foreign countries that have better education for their students do not have varsity sports in their schools.

Yours truly,

James F. Jackson
