Letter to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


come first now

To the editor:

In response to the "Our Opinion" article in the Feb. 26 edition of the Viewpoints page titled "Quality School System" I have difficulty understanding your reasoning in most of the article.

You ask "What would you do if your profession was being questioned?" That happens to most professions on a regular basis. That happens more in the medical field than even the educational field I'll wager.

You asked "What if you put in extra time other than when you're on the clock?" Again, a very common practice for most. (You should try being self-employed and see how that works out for you.)

You say legislators that aren't in the education profession are making decisions that affect their jobs. Legislators make decisions every day that affect hundreds of professions. It would be impossible for them to be professionally trained in every field that was affected by the laws they passed. If we were to use that rationale then logically only those with children currently in school should pay taxes towards education.

You also said "Most teachers provide our children with a quality education." I wholeheartedly agree but that doesn't put the education profession on some higher plane that makes them immune to scrutiny and/or change. Most of the time these changes take place, not as a criticism toward educators but because of tax dollars (or lack of them). It is so often declared "Students Come First" and nobody disagrees with that declaration but as long as our education system is funded the way it is the declaration will have to be "Taxpayers Come First, They Used to be Students."

Ted Wagner


Thank you for gifts, flowers, cards

To the Editor:

We would like to thank everyone who sent cards or brought gifts and flowers to help us celebrate our 50th anniversary.

They were appreciated very much and made for a memorable anniversary.

Don and Anita Collenbaugh
