Linton City Council holds very brief budget hearing

Thursday, October 13, 2011

It barely took enough time to blink, and then the city of Linton's 2012 budget hearing was over.

Wednesday's session, scheduled for 4:30 p.m., lasted only six minutes -- but five of those amounted to waiting to see whether anyone would attend.

Ultimately, only Mayor Patti Jones, Council members Linda Bedwell, Nigel Lehman and Tony Richards -- and one reporter -- showed up.

No members of the public attended, nor were any concerns voiced about the proposal.

"This is a budget hearing," said Bedwell. "Any discussion? No? Then I move to adjourn."

Winning approval, Bedwell laughed."Now I've got to go back to cleaning," she said. "Adios, amigos."

The final vote on the city's proposed 2012 budget is set for 4:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 21.

Ultimately, Jones said the budget as proposed suggests few changes from 2011's budget, set at about $3 million.

"The only things which have changed this year are the things which were absolutely necessary to change

Linton police and firefighters received raises by contractual agreement, while department heads and dispatchers all received raises under a 2012 salary ordinance approved unanimously by the City Council on Monday.

Other city officials, however, will see their salaries remain at 2011 levels.

Department heads saw their annual salaries increase 1.5 percent. Affected officials included Utilities Comptroller David Sisk; Electric Coordinator Nick House; Gas and Water Superintendent Jeff Lehman; Account Analyst Linda Huber, and Fran Abbott, the mayor's secretary.

City employees receive 26 biweekly paychecks during a year.

Police and firefighter salaries were increased as part of the contract the two departments presently have with the city.

First class firefighters each received a raise to $32,500 annually from 2011's yearly salary of $31,000, up $1,500.

In the Linton Fire Department, all officers are paid by the city. Each department member receives either the base salary of a first class fireman or the lower pay of a probationary fireman, with higher ranking officers paid an additional amount on top of a first class firefighter's base pay each two-week pay period. These incremental increases include:

* Chief -- $184.62 additional per biweekly pay.

* Captains -- $76.92 additional per biweekly pay.

* Firefighters also receive a $1,000 uniform allowance.

First class police officers each received a raise from $36,500 this year to $37,500 annually in 2012. Rank then determines the additional pay each department member receives, broken down as follows in 2011:

* Chief of police -- $184.62 additional per biweekly pay.

* Detective -- $100 additional per biweekly pay.

* Sergeant -- $76.92 additional per biweekly pay.

* Corporals -- Two corporals at $38.46 total per biweekly pay.

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  • There may have been more people in attendance if the meeting was held in the evening.

    -- Posted by Cousin Eddie on Thu, Oct 13, 2011, at 9:06 AM
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