Police Logs

Thursday, October 13, 2011


* Oct. 13 -- Jessica Cantrell, 33, of Bloomington was arrested by the Monroe County Sheriff's Department on a body attachment writ. She was transferred to Greene County. Bond set at $1,000, no 10 percent allowed pending a court appearance.

* Oct. 12 -- Thomas W. Wirts, III was arrested by the Greene County Sheriff's Department on an outstanding misdemeanor warrant. He was released after posting $5,000 bond. Court date set for 1 p.m. on Oct. 17.

* Oct. 12 -- David A. Botche, 20, of Solsberry, was arrested by the Greene County Sheriff's Department on an warrant for a petition to revoke a suspended sentence. No bond set pending a court appearance.

* Oct. 12 -- Patrick Sherrard, 21, of Bloomfield, was arrested by the Bloomfield Police Department on a preliminary charge of possession of marijuana. Bond set at $1,000.


The Linton Police Department log for Oct. 12 included: One disorderly conduct case; one robbery; two animal complaints; one burglary; one harassment complaint; one bicycle theft; one shoplifting case and five traffic stops.

* Oct. 11 -- The LPD is investigating a reported robbery at Chuckle's Service Station that occurred at 2:15 a.m. A female attendant reported that someone ran out of the store with some items, according to Det. Duane Collenbaugh. The case is being investigated by Det. Josh Goodman and Officer Paul Clark. No other details are being released at this time.

City Ordinance Violations

* Oct. 13 -- Nathan D. Rumple, noise violation.