Lady Miners finish 13-2

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Linton-Stockton eighth grade volleyball finished the regular season with a 13-2 record after defeating host Clay City Thursday night.

The Linton-Stockton Junior High Volleyball team concluded its regular season by defeating host Clay City Thursday.

Libbi Fougerousse had nine assists, eight aces, two kills and four digs. Emma Brewer contributed seven kills, one dig and an ace.

The seventh graders also won 25-22, 25-5 as Jaelyn Walker served 12 aces.


Seventh grade stats

Tayler Moore -- 3 assists, 5 kills, 1 dig.

Jaelyn Walker -- 12 aces, 4 assists, 1 kill, 1 dig.

Kaitlyn Clothier -- 2 kills, 3 digs.

Maddy Robbins -- 2 aces, 1 kill.

Madisyn Bridges -- 1 ace, 3 kills.

Hannah Bradbury -- 1 dig.

Ashley Letner -- 1 ace.

Kalyn Lee - 1 ace.

Emily Sullivan also contributed to the win.


Eighth grade stats

Libbi Fougerousse -- 8 aces, 9 assists, 2 kills, 4 dig.

Emma Brewer -- 1 ace, 7 kills, 1 dig.

Avaree Dunn -- 3 kills, 1 dig.

Carlie Williams -- 1 dig.

Christina Hicks -- 4 aces, 1 kill.

Marissa Kaiser -- 1 assist, 2 kills, 2 digs.

Morgan Cox -- 1 dig.

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  • Scores and stats are rarely called in, but the WRV 8th grade volleyball team will take a 10-3 record into Saturday's SWIAC Tournament at Shakamak.

    -- Posted by ToAllConcerned on Fri, Oct 14, 2011, at 12:06 PM
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