Community Notes

Thursday, April 19, 2012


* The White River Valley Board of School Trustees will meet in regular session at 7:30 p.m. in the administrative center in the Junior/Senior High School. An executive session will precede the open meeting at 6 p.m. to discuss personnel.

* The Linton Public Library Board will meet at 6 p.m. in the library.

* Volunteers at Greene County General Hospital will sponsor a scrub sale from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the hospital lobby.

Friday, April 20

* The Linton 12th Street Church of God will have a ham and chicken noodle dinner, with desserts, drinks and homemade bread from 4 to 7 p.m. The cost is $7 for adults and $4 for children under 5.

Saturday, April 21

* The Red Bonnett Bells will meet for lunch at noon at Jo Etta's Pizza Villa in Linton.

* The Worthington Garden Club will host its annual Plant Auction at 10 a.m. at the Worthington Community Building at the park. Food will be served, and admission is free. For more information call 875-3287

* Linton Moose will have a band, "South Land," from 8 to 11 p.m. Members and guests are welcome.

* Sandborn Fire and Rescue will be host its annual pancake and sausage day at the fire station from 6 to 11 a.m. Price is $5 for adults, $3 for children age 5-12, and children under 5 eat free. Proceeds will go toward the purchase of fire station equipment.

* The Bykota Sample Fair will be at the Dugger Community Building from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is $1.25, with lunch available. Vendors can register by contacting Betty Heaton at 648-2652 or by email,

* The Greene County Literacy Coalition will host a Wine and Cheese in the Stacks fundraiser. There will be food, music, and art at the Bloomfield Eastern Greene Public Library from 6-8 p.m. The wine will be donated by Oliver Winery. Cost is $15 for a single, and $25 per couple. You must be 21 years old to attend. For more information contact Beth at 384-4125, ext. 18

* Greene County General Hospital's Relay for Life team is having a Zumba-Thon from 3-5 p.m. at the Roy Clark Community Building in Linton. Admission is $10 per person. There will be a silent auction in addition to Zumba. For more information, contact Halea Franklin at, or 699-4153.

Sunday, April 22

* Bloomfield First Baptist Church will host "Vessel" in concert at 6 p.m. Enjoy the musical quartet of Steve Gregory, Tracy Archer, Mike Gregory and Teresa Hudson of Washington, ministering through the harmonies of a unique blend of the old Southern Gospel favorites with new "Top 40" Southern Gospel and contemporary Christian music. Refreshments will follow in the Fellowship Hall.

* Sandborn Park Board will host a meat loaf dinner from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Sandborn Community Building. Menu will include meat loaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, desserts and drinks. Donations will be gladly accepted.

Monday, April 23

* Water quality and land use, what is the connection? If you are residents of eastern Greene, western Monroe, or southeastern Owen counties including but not limited to the following communities: Cincinnati, Koleen, Mineral, Slosberry, and Hendricksville, you are invited to attend a public meeting at 7 p.m. at Eastern Greene Schools, Central Office Board Room (old AG shop). The purpose of this meeting is to assist you in the understanding of watershed and its work, to introduce the coordinator of this project, Adam Grossman, and to provide the residents of this watershed the opportunity to provide your input and concerns about the Plummer/Richland Creek watershed. Visit our website at Questions and concerns can be directed to: Deborah Lynn, Greene County SWCD (812) 381-4781 x3 or Martha Miller, Monroe County SWCD (812) 334-4325 x3

* Bloomfield Masonic Lodge will have work in the MM degree, with dinner starting at 6 p.m. and work at 7 p.m. Visiting brethren welcome.

* There will be a meeting concerning the Burris Chapel Cemetery starting at 6:30 p.m. and ending around 7:30. This meeting will be at the Rodney Walker residence at 150 N Road in Linton. All interested in the upkeep of the cemetery are urged to attend.

Tuesday, April 24

* The Greene County Republican Women's Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Jaycee Building in Bloomfield (located on Lincoln Dr.). Please bring a dish to share.

Thursday, April 26

* Eastern Greene School Board will have a work session to discuss classified Handbook and NEOLA Policies at 5 p.m. in the Eastern Greene Central Office Board Room. An executive session will follow, regarding personnel.

* The Greene County Memory Makers Quilt Guild will have its monthly meeting at 6 p.m. at the Busy Bees Quilt Shop in Linton. Helen England is in charge of the program. All quilters are welcome. Call Nancy Hudson at 384-6551 if you have any questions or need directions.

* Retirees from Crane Data Processing Department will have their Spring Luncheon at Boggs Lakeview Restaurant at 11:30 a.m. If you worked in that department and want to attend, contact Louie Kavanaugh Jr. at 486-3658 or by email .

* A Greene County tourism meeting will be from 6--7:30 p.m. at the Greene County Fairgrounds. The Greene County Tourism Advisory Board (GCTAB) encourages anyone interested in promoting Greene County Tourism to attend. If you cannot attend and want to receive emails regarding upcoming projects, activities, and meetings; please contact GCTAB president, David Benefiel at or call (765) 749-0321.

* The semi-annual buffet luncheon for RCA/GE/Thomson Retirees Association Members, former employees and guests will be held from 10:30 a.m to 2:15 p.m. upstairs at the Terry's Banquet and Catering, located at 3124 Canterbury Drive in Bloomington. Cost for the lunch, tax and service charge will be $12 per person when paid with the reservations, $14 at the door. Reservations must be received by Monday, April 23. Call Sara Davenport at 824-8245 and leave a message for extenuating circumstances. If you need to cancel, you can do so up to two days before the luncheon by calling Sara.

* Shakamak Elementary School will be having its Kindergarten Round-Up from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m., 1-2:30 p.m. and 5-6:30 p.m. Children must be 5-years-old on or before August 1 to enroll. Parents registering their child should bring the student, birth certificate, immunization records and social security card. Enrollment packets may be picked up in the elementary office. Please pick up a packet before round-up.

Friday, April 27

* Linton Lodge No. 560 will have an EA Degree today. We will eat at 6 p.m. and work will begin at 7 p.m.

Saturday, April 28

* The WRV Junior Class is hosting the 2012 Junior/Senior Prom, A Starlit Paradise. Grand march will start at 4 p.m. There will be no admission for guests, but donations will be taken at the door. WRV's prom will be held after Grand March in Bloomington at the Eagle Point Golf Resort. Prom will start at 8 p.m. and end at 11 p.m. After prom, students and their dates will be released to go home and prepare for post prom. The Junior Class Parents are sponsoring the Post Prom in French Lick at the water park, Big Splash Adventure. The busses will be leaving WRV Junior/Senior High School at 1 a.m. and will return later that morning by 8:30.

* Bloomfield Masonic Lodge will have work in the MM degree, with breakfast at 7:30 a.m. with degree work to follow. Visiting brethren welcome.

Sunday, April 29

* Randy Cowden will be performing gospel music at 6:30 p.m. at the Kentucky Ridge Church. The church is located three miles west of the Bloomington Crane Gate on State Road 45. For more information call (812) 325-7767.

Tuesday, May 1

* Please help Annabel McElroy celebrate her 90th birthday on May 1st. Her family is requesting that her friends and family please send a birthday card to 707 S. Franklin St., Bloomfield, Indiana 47424.

Saturday, May 5

* The Bloomfield Town-Wide Yard Sale will be conducted. There will be maps at the Chamber of Commerce booth starting at 7 a.m. located on the southside of the square. To be included on the map contact the Chamber of Commerce at P.O. Box 144, Bloomfield, Ind., 47424 or to the Chamber's Web site at and fill out the form online. You may also contact Jenny Crites at MainSource Bank 812-384-3581 or

Saturday, May 12

Coalmont School Alumni Banquet, open to any graduate or former student of Coalmont, at Shakamak High School Cafetorium, Jasonville, 4:30 - 9 p.m. Meal is $11 payable at the door and served at 5:30 p.m. Reservation deadline is April 27. Mail reservations to Coalmont Alumni Committee, 8423 E. Co. Rd. 975 N., Shelburn, IN 47879.

Friday, June 1

* Lyons Senior Center will be renting booth space in their parking lot during the town wide yard sales from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Booth space is by donation only. If interested contact Kathy England at 384-7934.

Saturday, June 30

* Linton-Stockton High School Class of 1982 will host its 30th year class reunion at the Legion Park in Linton. Social time and meal (including tea and lemonade) begins at 6 p.m. with music later in the evening. Cost is $20 per person; each classmate may bring one guest. Pay at the door or mail a check ahead of time to Kerri Helms at 5079 E State Rd 54, Bloomfield, Ind., 47424. If you have any questions email

* The Linton-Stockton High School Class of 1992's 20-year class reunion will be at the Linton Elks. Cocktail/social hour will start at 6 p.m. Slide presentation will begin at 6:30 p.m. Dinner will begin at 7 p.m. and the band will start playing at 8 p.m. The cost is $25 per person. Please RSVP as soon as possible, and the final RSVP and money must be turned in by May 1. Make checks out to LSHS 1992 Class Reunion Fund and mail to Jenny Hoffeditz at 3171 N. 1000W, Linton, Ind., 47441. You can also reach Jenny at (812) 798-6881.

Ongoing Events

* Taylor Township Board will hold its regular meetings on the second Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. at the Scotland Fire Station beginning in May.

* The newest book by area author Ruby Moon-Houldson is now available to be checked out from the Linton Library. The poetry book is a nice read for all ages, especially those who loved Severus Snape from the Harry Potter series. The book titles is: One of the Bravest. Ask for it at the Linton Library.

* Union Church of Hendricksville on State Road 43 will not host its third Saturday monthly gospel sings this summer. The church hopes to start its sings again in the near future.

* Bethany Christian Church will be hosting a Revival April 22 through the 25 with speakers father, David Thomas from Alabama; son, Nathan Thomas from Missouri; and grandson Nathaniel Thomas from Tennessee. The revival will start Sunday at 9 a.m., with Crystal Valley Quartet at 6 p.m., preaching and linger longer Sunday Eve. Services will be at 7 p.m. Monday to Wednesday, with special music nightly. The church is two miles west of Bloomfield on State Road 57. Turn south on 250W, and follow the signs, or turn east on 275S by Prairie Chapel and follow the signs.

* Providence Baptist Church invites you to join them for their Spring Missions Conference to be held Sunday, April 15 through Wednesday, April 18. Sunday Service begins at 6:30 p.m. Weekday services begin at 7 p.m. The guest speaker will be Missionary to Nepal Jason Woon. For more information, contact Pastor Darren McDonald at 847-8519.

* Linton-Stockton Class of 1967 is planning a reunion for July 6. It is in need of current addresses of class members. For information regarding the reunion or to update your information, contact John Fusco at 847-7567, by email at or find him on Facebook.

* The VFW Ladies Auxiliary Post 7118 of Linton will meet the first Monday of each month. The April meeting will be election of officers.

* Beginning, March 5, the Linton Public Library began offering downloadable e-book and audiobook services for its registered patrons. Please visit or the library for more information.

* Bloomfield-Eastern Greene County Public Library will be selling audio books on cassette for $.50 each. There are mysteries, romances, inspirational fiction, biographies and more. You will find the books upstairs in the main library, located at 125 S. Franklin Street in Bloomfield. Books may be opened any time the library is open. Operating hours are Monday-Thursday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

* There is a new website open to the public, for your viewing. The site,, has information on Greene County properties, including taxes owed and paid, assessed values, and the different number and types of deductions applied to the property itself, among others. Please log on and take a look.

* The Worthington Jefferson Township Public Library has a book sale going on. All books, VHS tapes and audio cassettes are $.10 each or 20 items for $1. Audio CDs are $1 each. Over 700 items have been added.

* Pastor Samuel Hill invites you to a gospel singing at Hobbieville Christian Church the second Saturday of each month at 6 p.m. Different groups will sing each week. There will be food served and a good time of fellowship.

* A steering committee has been meeting in an effort to form an Eastern Greene Alumni Association. There is now an alumni tab on the school's website, For those without Internet access, registration forms are available in the district's central office. For more information call (812) 825-5722.

* The Alzheimer's Support Group will meet the first Monday of each month at the Switz City Christian Church at 6 p.m. If you have any questions please call Linda at 798-1589.

* The Linton 12th Street Church of God will have Bible study every Thursday night in the Fellowship Hall at 7 p.m. with coffee and snacks, beginning Dec. 1.

* The Linton Public Library is operating daily book sales. Any time the library is open, patrons may browse the book sale aisle for books, VHS, books on cassette, audio books, and DVDs. The book sale aisle is now located at the front of the library. Please pay for purchases at the circulation desk.

* Bloomfield American Legion Post 196 bingo is every Thursday night. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., and early-bird games begin at 6 p.m., and regular games at 7 p.m.

* Pleasant Grove Church of Christ will host an event each Wednesday from 6-8 p.m. If you have been searching for answers concerning how to strengthen your family relationship, and discover your calling in life, then the church has something that will help. There will be a meal and then a DVD presentation. Other topics covered will be finances, health, handling conflict, overcoming anger, overcoming addictions, and many other critical topics that pertain to marriages and families. For more information call Brent at (713) 857-3025 or (713) 876-5752.

* The Hobbieville Christian Fellowship Church will host a gospel sing the second Saturday of each month at 6 p.m. There will be food served.

* The board of directors of the Peavey Cemetery is planning to replace the old flagpole and flag at the entrance. Anyone wishing to donate to the cause, please contact board members Danny Keller, John Hubbell, Fred Hubbell or Lorene Pell. Donations may be mailed to Joan Whitaker, treasurer, 226 South Washington St., Jasonville, Ind., 47438.

* Meals on Wheels is now available at the Lyons Senior Citizens Center starting at 11:30 a.m. Please call 847-3509 the day before you plan to attend. For those who are homebound and need meals delivered, call 2-1-1 or 1-800-742-9002.

* Books for Babies is a national literacy program that acquaints parents and newborns with the important role they play in the development of their children. Parents are presented with a Books for Babies kit containing a book, baby's first library card and brochures with reading tips for parents and caregivers. If you are a new mother and a resident of Greene County in one of the following townships -- Richland, Highland, Taylor, Beech Creek, Center or Jackson -- you are eligible for a free gift for you and your baby. Please bring your baby in "to show him/her off" to the circulation desk in the Bloomfield-Eastern Greene County Public Library, 125 Franklin St. in Bloomfield to receive your free gift.

* The Bohley Cemetery board is taking donations for upkeep at the cemetery. For more information call 384-8375.

* Bingo at the American Legion in Worthington is on Fridays. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. with games at 6:15 p.m. This is open to the public. Cost is $30 for 15 games All proceeds go to the Worthington American Legion. This event is non-smoking with breaks made for smokers to go outdoors.

* A 12-Step Overcomers Recovery Support Meeting is held every Wednesday at the Family Life Center on the East side of the square in Bloomfield from 7:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Come and join us to overcome life-controlling problems of all sorts with Bible principles, prayer, memory verses and weekly support. Call Instructor Jim for more information at 699-1456.

* The Clay County WIC program is in Jasonville at the Senior Center on the second Wednesday of each month from 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

* VFW Post 7118 in Linton needs eligible members to join the men's auxiliary. Bring required form. Contact post with eligibility questions at 847-9016 or visit the post 190 South Main St.

* The Lyons Community Food Pantry at 150 East Broad Street (the old fire station) will be open from 4-6 p.m. the third Monday of every month, and the first Saturday of the month from 10 a.m. to noon. The pantry serves zip codes 47443, 47449, and 47465.

* The newly appointed Worthington Park Board will host meetings at 6 p.m. on each first Wednesday of the month at the Worthington Municipal Building in downtown Worthington. The public is welcome to attend.

* Mineral United Methodist Church will have Bible study from 7 - 8 p.m. on the second, third and fourth Wednesdays of the month.

* Faith Community Church cookbooks are available for $10 and can be purchased at Richard Brown Insurance or call 847-4798.

* Hobbieville Christian Fellowship Church will have a gospel singing at 6 p.m. on the second Saturday of each month. The public is invited.

* The mobile food pantry will be at the Jasonville United Methodist Church from 10 a.m. to ? on the first Wednesday of the month.

* The Back Door Food Pantry is open from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. on the third Saturday of the month.

* Narcotics Anonymous will meet Saturdays at 7 p.m. at the Trinity Lutheran Church on State Road 54 East. There will be open discussion and all are welcome.

* Lebanon Baptist Food Pantry will only be open on the fourth Thursday of each month from 6-7:30 p.m.

* The Refuge Assembly of God food pantry will be open every Wednesday from 1-5 p.m. to assist those living in Bloomfield. To donate, please contact Trina at 384-8093 during the pantry's open hours.

* The Mineral Christian Men's Group meets at 8 a.m. every third Saturday of the month at the Mineral Community Building.

* House of Grace Coffee House will offer fellowship, food, worship and youth classes. The church is located at 792 S. Section St. in Dugger.

* The Pleasantville United Methodist Church food pantry is now open on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month from 10:30 a.m. - noon.

* The Lyons First Christian Church youth group meets at 6 p.m. on Mondays at the church's East Broad Street location.

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