Motorcyclist injured in Wednesday night crash

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Loogootee motorcyclist was injured in a Wednesday-evening crash with an SUV at the intersection of U.S. 231 and State Road 58 in southern Greene County.

Oscar N. Strieby, 55, of Loogootee, sustained lacerations to his head, face and left shoulder as well as "road rash" to his legs in the 7:52 p.m. accident, according to a report from Indiana State Police Trooper Richard Klun.

Strieby was transported by the Greene County Ambulance Service to Greene County General Hospital in Linton for treatment.

A 1998 Chevrolet Blazer, driven by 18-year-old David B. Lawrence, apparently failed to yield the right of way -- causing Strieby's 2012 Harley Davidson motorcycle to strike the rear passenger side of Lawrence's vehicle.

Lawrence told police that he saw the motorcycle approaching southbound, but thought he had enough time to make it across the intersection, according to the report.

Lawrence, who was not injured, was cited for failure to yield right of way.

The Richland-Taylor Fire Department assisted at the scene.

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  • So happy to hear everyone is alright. Save a life be aware motorcycles are everywhere!

    -- Posted by Lekkie on Thu, Apr 19, 2012, at 10:10 PM
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