Linton Library's pirate ship to set final sail

Thursday, April 19, 2012
(By Sabrina Westfall) Linton Public Library Director Jamie Tyner (left) and Children's Librarian Phyllis Franklin stand behind the pirate ship they are raffling off for $1 per ticket. Proceeds from the raffle will go towards programming in the children's section of the library.

The Linton Public Library's pirate ship in the children's section is about to set its final sail.

The library is going to raffle off the donated ship for $1 per ticket so it can make room for another summer reading program installment for the upcoming reading program.

The handmade pirate ship was donated to the library by Bill and Becky Deischer a few years ago for the library's summer reading program "Make a Splash, read."

"The kids have continued to play on it since then," Children's librarian Phyllis Franklin noted. "This (selling the ship) wasn't an easy decision. The children love it."

The detailed pirate ship is about 7 feet in length, the widest point is 4 feet and stands about 4 feet tall, not including the tall sail -- and has painted cannons on the side.

Franklin said she is concerned that if the current number of children continue to climb on the ship it will break down and someone could get hurt.

Raffle tickets will be sold at the library until May 4, and the winner will be announced at 5 p.m. that day.

Franklin said the new "captain" of the ship will be responsible for moving it from the library to its new location by May 14.

Proceeds from the raffle will go towards programming upgrades in the children's section of the library.

She added she hopes to have a donation for this summer's reading program, "Dream Big."

"Assuming we can find a new home for the pirate ship, everyone should visit the library in the future to see what is in its place," library director Jamie Tyner added.

If anyone is interested in donating a new installment for the children's summer program, contact the library at 847-7802.

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