Two jailed after fight at Worthington bar

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Two men were jailed following an altercation at the Knuckhead Bar in downtown Worthington on Wednesday night.

Apparently, the incident escalated after more than a half-dozen police officers arrived on the scene of the 11:30 p.m. disturbance.

Roy Matthew Arthur, 28, of Worthington, and Joseph A. Conway, 26, of Worthington, were both arrested and face multiple charges following the skirmish.

Arthur faces preliminary charges of battery on law enforcement, resisting law enforcement, battery with injury and disorderly conduct. He's being held in the Greene County Jail on $6,500 bond.

Conway is facing a preliminary charge of battery with injury and is being held on a $1,000 bond.

Worthington Town Marshal Don Richardson said Arthur and Conway allegedly got into a fight after one of them called the other a derogatory name.

The bartender on duty called police.

The two had stopped fighting by the time officers arrived at the bar, located at 23 S Commercial Street, a few minutes later.

But, the incident was far from over.

"Mr. Arthur did not cooperate and did not want to be put under arrest and started fighting. There was a Taser deployment and then he was taken into custody," Richardson said.

The Taser was actually deployed twice by Worthington Deputy Town Marshal Wayman Blazier to get Arthur into handcuffs and another time outside as he was being placed into a police cruiser.

"At some point, Mr. Arthur kicked (Greene County Sheriff's Department) Deputy (Heath) Murray in the groin (outside the vehicle)," the town marshal said.

Richardson, who noted that alcohol was a factor in the incident, reported some minor injuries -- mainly cuts and scraps -- in the 20-minute scuffle to get Arthur into custody.

Officers from Bloomfield, Linton and the Greene County Sheriff's Department assisted the two Worthington officers.

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  • Just keep in mind that matt was telling these officers that he has metal in one arm that goes from hand to shoulders and they didnt listen and tased him any ways and also beat him once they got him to the jail arent these so called officers supposed to protect us?? not tase someone thats got a complete arm made of metal and then proceed to beat someone with a billy club and kick them once they get him on the ground??? maybe some of our police officers need to be checked out......just saying before anyone decides to leave rude comments....

    -- Posted by blueberry on Fri, Jun 22, 2012, at 9:43 AM
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