Sandborn Council was presented insurance quote

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Several items were presented to the Sandborn Town Council during its May meeting.

A.J. Terrell from Springer Insurance presented an insurance quote for the town, which was approximately $2,000 lower than the present insurer.

However, deductibles on the Springer quote were considerably higher than the town's present policy. Since a couple of items needed to be eliminated from the Springer Insurance quote, Terrell said he would make the needed adjustments and render a new quote.

It was announced that the playground equipment at the park looked almost new after being power washed by offenders from the Wabash Valley Correctional Facility.

It was also decided that the merry-go-round at the park should be stored until it is repaired.

It was announced that the park board is sponsoring a chicken and noodle dinner at the Community Building from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. on May 20.

Resident Vaughn Huey asked the board if he is responsible for installing a check valve on the waterline to his business. Even though the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) states that all users of a public water system who mix fertilizer with that water must have a check valve installed, Vaughn said that no backflow would be possible in his system.

Water Supervisor Cliff Pemberton, Jr. said he will check with IDEM regarding Huey's question.

Pemberton reported that Sandborn used 832,000 gallons of water during April. With 23,100 gallons flushed, 713,000 gallons were billed resulting in an 11 .7 percent loss.

Pemberton stated that Living Water will be installing a leak detector and a chlorine analyzer in the near future at a cost of $5,290.

Pemberton also stated that the water plant needs a dehumidifier.

Pemberton reported that the sewer department discharged 555,200 gallons of effluent in April.

In other business, the council:

* Voted to accept a Fixed Asset Capitalization Policy.

* Agreed that the Town Hall office would be closed to the public on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

* Voted for Cliff Pemberton, Sr. to manage the pump house when Pemberton, Jr. is on vacation at $250 per week. If other emergencies arise, Pemberton, Sr. would be paid $20 per hour.

* Decided that the Town would board the windows on the old grocery store on Anderson Street.

* Announced holes in the town's streets would soon be repaired.

* Determined that the cost of repairing the old Scag mower exceeded its mechanical value.

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