Linton-Stockton graduates 66 Saturday

Saturday, May 26, 2012
(By Mark Stalcup) Graduating Linton-Stockton senior Tyler Pope, 18, tries to keep his cool by standing in front of a fan mere moments before the ceremony begins.

Linton-Stockton Junior-Senior High School graduated 66 students Saturday in a 1:30 p.m. ceremony. The class was among the smallest graduating classes in the past four decades.

This story will be updated.

(By Mark Stalcup) Several senior women at Linton-Stockton High School march into the graduation ceremony Saturday.
(By Mark Stalcup) As they ready for graduation, Linton-Stockton seniors Skylar Vestal (left) Katelyn Wolfe (center) and Dylan Day (right) joke about hearing birds in the rafters and enjoy a laugh. Vestal and Wolfe both plan to attend Vincennes University while Day will be enlisting in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
(By Mark Stalcup) Linton-Stockton Junior-Senior High School's Class of 2012 salutatorian Dylan Rupska, left, and valedictorian Taylor Sloan, right, march into Saturday's ceremony at the head of their class.
(By Mark Stalcup) Linton-Stockton School Corp. Superintendent Nick Karazsia leads the Board of School Trustees into Saturday's graduation ceremony.
(By Mark Stalcup) Graduating senior Kayla Geatches plays the clarinet as the Linton-Stockton Junior-Senior High School band, conducted by Michael Puckett, performs "Stand by Me" during Saturday's commencement.
(By Mark Stalcup) Linton-Stockton seniors Skylar Vestal (left) and Katelyn Wolfe (right) smile as they realize their high school days are coming to a close with the start of Saturday's ceremony.
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  • Congrats to all the 2012 graduates. Wishing you all continued success in your chosen fields. Having said that I do have a question for our Linton Stockton Administration.. How is it that we can annually have some of the biggest elementary classes and some of the smallest graduating classes? Sure appears that there are kids falling through the cracks in droves. I would like to know what the 1st grade enrollment for the last 10 graduating classes were so we can see how many got shuffled out before their class graduated. Sure seems like the "no child left behind" policies of our governments and school administrations has in fact left a lot of kids behind.

    -- Posted by POP on Sat, May 26, 2012, at 5:58 PM
  • I can tell you what the problem is, if anyone wants to listen. I graduated in the largest class that ever graduated from Linton Stockton High School in 1965, we worked for our grades, there wasn't any ISTEP test to take, there were weekly tests to study hard for in order to get good grades. Our parents cared and made us study and go to school. We went to work either while we were in school or shortly after graduation. Also, there are no jobs here so a lot of the kids had to move with their parents to find jobs to keep their families together. This world has a lot of problems that we didn't have back then. Drugs, no jobs, ISTEP Tests, parents that don't care what their kids do, so the kids get into trouble and get kicked out of school or are forced out of school by bullies and other peer pressure. I think someone needs to stand back a take a good long hard look at what is happening to Linton, then they would agree with what I have said. I had a grandson graduate today and I am very proud of him and the rest of the class that graduated today. I hope and pray that they further their education and can get somewhere in this cruel hard world of today! I know it has been hard for me and my children. But I am very proud of my children, they all have good jobs, thank God, and the kids have been raised to work hard to get what they have. This has been a very hard year for all of us, we lost our oldest son to sickness and his wife last year also to sickness, but it didn't get us down and make the kids give up, they keep on trudging through this cruel world. Again, I thank God for what we have and what our children have accomplished and hope it keeps going with the grandkids and their kids too. The school needs to take a good look at the statistics and see what they are doing to the kids of today! Again Good Luck to all of the ones that did graduate today and I wish them all well!

    -- Posted by jaykengreg on Sun, May 27, 2012, at 1:09 AM
  • Congratulations to all area 2012 graduates! Thank you LDC for the nice display of pics of graduation. I just wish that every now and then, when there is an article or coverage of a special and joyful event..people could refrain with negative comments. Concerns need to be taken to the school board.

    -- Posted by marhel on Sun, May 27, 2012, at 3:22 PM
  • you also gotta consider from 1st grade to graduation alot of families move out of a school distric cause if they know the school in the class room they would pass the istep when their required to take it my sons did so far.

    -- Posted by dad on Mon, May 28, 2012, at 1:23 PM
  • district

    -- Posted by dad on Mon, May 28, 2012, at 1:23 PM
  • Congratulations to graduating SENIORS! You are to commended.

    As to the comments regarding the comparison of 66 grads to aprox 120 + starting school, I personally don't see those questions as negative. It is a legitimate question as to why the huge difference. Our students deserve the best & if we are somehow falling short, we need to be able to ask why & what needs to be corrected.

    There have been some suggestions to the possible reasons. Now, the question is: Can we take some actions to help this or because of the way society now is, do we throw in the towel?

    -- Posted by old linton native on Tue, May 29, 2012, at 1:16 PM
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