Bloomfield Class of 2012 walks across stage

Saturday, May 26, 2012
(By Sabrina Westfall) The 69 Bloomfield High School Class of 2012 graduates tossed their caps into the air victoriously after their commencement Saturday afternoon. The caps and gowns were donated by the family of the late Jarad Rifner, in honor of their fallen classmate.

(By Sabrina Westfall) Soon-to-be graduates gathered together anxiously in the hallway behind the gym, awaiting the entrance to the gymnasium.
(By Sabrina Westfall) There was one empty seat in the second to last row during the BHS Class of 2012 graduation ceremony. A cap and gown was draped over the empty chair in honor of Jarad Rifner, who passed away in a 4-wheeling accident last July.
(By Sabrina Westfall) Ashley Dugger hugged her father, Allen, and cried following the finality of the graduation ceremony.
(By Sabrina Westfall) Katherine Warren celebrated with her grandmother, Cheryl, outside Bloomfield Jr./Sr. High School following the Class of 2012 commencement.
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  • Good pictures

    -- Posted by DaiseyJ on Sat, May 26, 2012, at 8:43 PM
  • Congratuations to all of the graduates in Greene County (WRV and Shakamak also held their graduations yesterday). Thank you Daily World for your continued coverage of Linton, Bloomfield, Jasonville, Worthington, Lyons and Greene County, Indiana . . .

    -- Posted by oink on Sun, May 27, 2012, at 11:07 AM
  • And Eastern too.

    -- Posted by oink on Sun, May 27, 2012, at 11:11 AM
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