Cody dies from injuries suffered in early Tuesday morning wreck

Friday, September 28, 2012

A 27-year-old rural Linton man has died from injuries suffered in one-vehicle crash early Tuesday morning on State Road 54, west of Bloomfield.

Cory W. Cody died about 4 p.m. Wednesday, according to Indianapolis' Wishard Hospital spokesman Todd Harper.

Cody died less than a day after he was transported to Wishard Hospital by Air-Evac medical helicopter with head injuries following the 1 a.m. wreck Tuesday near the intersection of County Road 250W.

Cody was traveling westbound on State Road 54 when the 2000 Chevrolet Silverado pickup he was driving crossed the center line and traveled off the roadway, struck a utility pole, crossed a ditch and came to rest in the parking lot of Austin Memorial Arts, according to a report filed by Greene County Sheriff's Department Deputy Bobby Pierce.

Cody was extricated from the truck he was driving by members of the Switz City and Richland Township fire departments.

The truck, registered to Patrick W. Euriga, of Terre Haute sustained extensive damage.

Deputy Pierce estimated total damage in the wreck between $25,000 and $50,000. Also damaged were several grave marker stones, an unattended vehicle in the parking lot owned by Richard King and a utility pole owned by the Utilities District of Western Indiana REMC.

Funeral arrangements are pending at Anderson-Poindexter Memory Chapel in Linton.

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  • Funeral is at welch and cornett not Anderson poindexter

    -- Posted by donnameurer on Sat, Sep 29, 2012, at 4:25 PM
  • My thoughts and prayers go out to Cory's family, and friends. My heart breaks for his mama, I know how hard this must be. R.I.P. Cory

    -- Posted by mimosa11 on Sun, Sep 30, 2012, at 10:27 AM
  • I agree Leslie should of been allowed to attend............

    -- Posted by hays1956 on Mon, Oct 1, 2012, at 4:39 PM
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