Shakamak approves hires, transfers funds
The MSD of Shakamak School Board made some personnel decisions and transferred some funds before getting updates on numerous events during their monthly meeting Thursday evening.
Joe Wheaton was appointed to a part-time evening custodian position involving 34.5 hours per week.
Angel Simmons was re-hired as a Title 1 part-time instructional assistant involving 30 hours per week. The board had accepted her resignation last month in order for her to accept another job but she decided she'd like to return to work at the school.
In volunteer positions, the board approved the appointments of Jeri Morin as Pep Club sponsor, Marvin Matherly as a seventh grade boys basketball assistant and Bethany Watters and Carla Gambill as Drill Team assistants.
After deciding to use money from the Rainy Day Fund during a previous meeting, the board voted to transfer $60,000 out of the fund to pay for expenses of recent retirements.
Later on Friday, the annual Fall Festival was on tap for the evening. From 5:30-8:30 p.m. games for kids were planned along with bounce castles, food vendors and a pie in the face for the Elementary Principal Jeff Gambill.
Mogan said it was hard to believe, but basketball was starting, and he's been dealing with a problem in the high school gym.
"There's been some water damage to the edge of the gym floor," said Mogan, "but we think we can fix it."
Boys and girls basketball is starting along with junior high games, and the fifth and sixth grade boys teams had their first game on Tuesday, drew a large crowd and won their games.
To finish out fall sports, numerous student athletes were honored recently at the school's fall sports banquet.
Elementary Principal Jeff Gambill reported the fifth grade had a great field trip to Marengo Cave last week.
"It was the first time for many of our students to visit a cave and there were several students who were amazed," said Gambill.
He also said, "We survived Halloween," explaining the primary grades paraded through the school in costume and it was a good day with lots of parents and community members coming in to take part.
High School Principal Chris Ross announced the annual National Honor Society initiation and dinner will be Thursday, Nov. 15 at 7 p.m. in the high school cafeteria.
On Sunday, Dec. 9 at 2:30 p.m. in the high school cafeteria, the Drama Club will present a play.
"They have been practicing for about a month and it's looking pretty good," said Mogan.
The superintendent said there was a change this year in the length of the upcoming Thanksgiving break.
"For Thanksgiving break, all Greene County schools are taking Wednesday through Friday off this year," said Mogan. "Only one school took the extra day last year, but the idea spread."
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the school board is Dec. 13 at 7 p.m.