You can 'Walk a Mile in their Shoes' again this year

Monday, April 15, 2013

An opportunity to show support for victims of sexual assault in Greene County is coming right up.

The second annual "Walk a Mile in their Shoes" event will be April 25 at the Greene County Courthouse in Bloomfield.

Organizers have set a deadline of Wednesday to register, if you want the T-shirt in time for the walk.

"Walk a Mile in their Shoes" is an awareness day to focus attention on the reality of sexual assault in our local community. It's part of the nationwide Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

The event is sponsored by the Greene County Sexual Assault Task Force, a group of individuals in the local criminal justice system and others who help victims cope with sexual assaults, and work to prevent these incidents by raising awareness in the community. The task force was organized by the Greene County Prosecutor's Office.

In years past, the awareness day has featured releases of live butterflies, balloon launches, and they've planted trees in honor of local women who survived sexual assaults.

Last year, the Task Force launched the first "Walk a Mile in their Shoes" event to give both women and men a chance to participate and increase awareness that victims are not just women, but men as well. It's a chance for both men and women to come together to show their desire to end sexual assaults.

Event coordinators Nicole Stahl and Vickie Aydt, who both serve as victim's advocates in the prosecutor's office, said last year's turnout exceeded their expectations. Approximately 65 participants came out to walk and they all had a great time. They're hoping even more want to walk this year.

To make the walk, men are asked to bring a pair of heels or other women's shoes, and women are asked to bring a pair of work boots or other men's shoes.

When the walk begins at 11 a.m., walkers will slip on the shoes they've brought with them and "Walk a Mile in their Shoes."

They'll walk for a mile around the courthouse square.

To register prior to the event, contact Stahl or Aydt at the Greene County Prosecutor's Office, 384-4998.

A registration fee of $10 includes a T-shirt. If you are registered by April 17, your T-shirt will be available to wear on the day of the walk.

Proceeds from the event go to support the educational work of the Greene County Sexual Assault Task Force, the training of sexual assault nurse examiners, and the supplies needed to perform exams in the emergency room of Greene County General Hospital.

Participants are to report to a registration table at the courthouse prior to the start of the walk.

If you cannot walk in the event but would like to support the work of the Task Force, donations are welcome -- call 384-4998 for more information.

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  • I hope to be there again, I will be looking for 10.5 EEEE this time.

    Good Luck to a successful Walk.

    -- Posted by Equipmentguy on Mon, Apr 15, 2013, at 7:59 PM
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