Karazsia, Fougerousse compete at All-Star Classic

Monday, April 15, 2013

Linton-Stockton seniors Austin Karazsia and Dess Fougerousse competed in the 25th annual North-South All-Star Classic at Rose-Hulman in Terre Haute Sunday.

Karazsia scored five points for the South All-Stars and Fougerousse, who was added at the last minute after a player scratched, had 14 points.

The North defeated the South 130-114 in the boys game.

In the girls game, the South beat the North 91-86 as Indiana All-Star Rhagen Smith of Sullivan scored 19 points.

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  • Per stats of the game that were listed in the 15 April 2013 edition of The Tribune Star, Dess Fougerousse, "the player who was added at the last minute after a player scratched" was 2nd on the South Squad with an Overall 63 FG%, 1st with 3 Pt FG% (50%), 2nd in Rebounds, 3rd in Assists, 1st in Steals, and 1st in Blocks.

    Hoosier Basketball Magazine sponsored the 25th annual North-South All-Star Classic that was played at Rose-Hulman University located at Terre Haute, Indiana on April 14, 2013. Players throughout Indiana competed in the contest with several of the athletes already signing letters of intent to play collegiate basketball at Notre Dame, Purdue, Butler, Evansville, Valparaiso, Indiana and Indiana State. Also, players from the contest will makeup the majority of the Indiana All Stars that will compete with the Kentucky All Stars in June.

    Several Wabash Valley players were on the South roster including Terre Haute South's Jeffrey Turner, Terre Haute North's Calvin Blank, Linton's Austin Karazsia and Dess Fougerousse and Rockville's Lane Mahurin and Gary Ulrich.

    -- Posted by LA All the Way on Wed, Apr 17, 2013, at 10:13 PM
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