Letter to the Editor

Support the referendum

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Letter To The Editor

I was a product of a small community school with outstanding teachers and coaches. After 40 years of working in public education, I still believe that public education is one of the wisest investments that we can make as citizens. If we don't pay for quality schools now, we will certainly have to pay more for services later. It is a necessity for us to raise quality-educated young people to help move our society forward.

The reality of it is that a school is the hub of a community. Once we let it go as a community that school is never going to be brought back. I had the privilege of working for the folks at WRV for six months earlier this year. There are many outstanding teachers, coaches, board members, and community citizens doing great things for kids, and the kids are excelling. I would hate to see things go to the wayside.

The mission is quite clear that responsible fiscal management be a priority. Providing wonderful experiences for students must be done with sensitivity to the taxpayer in mind. This decision, however, is necessary. You have no choice other than to vote YES on the referendum to preserve the schools and communities within the Wolverine family. It is an investment that I hope you feel is worth it because I do. I have seen the work being done firsthand. Public education is about local control. I hope you feel the investment in the children of the WRV school district is worth it; I do.


Dr. Jerrill Vandeventer

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