More participation needed for Linton income survey

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

LINTON -- Recently an income survey was sent to a number residents of Linton. The information gathered from the survey will be used to determine whether the City of Linton will be eligible for a Storm Water Planning Study. So far only 100 surveys have been returned. 477 surveys are needed to complete the assessment.

This survey will be kept confidential, as names and addresses of the residents will not be placed on the survey forms.

The City and Linton is working with Southern Indiana Development Commission (SIDC) for this grant.

If awarded, the planning grant would total $30,000.

Linton Mayor John Wilkes explained the importance of obtaining this grant.

"This planning grant opens up the doors for other grants to help us fix some of the problems we have. There are grants out there, some as much of $500,000 we can apply for, but we must go through this planning stage first. The objective is to go out for the bigger grants," Wilkes said.

Wilkes added the larger grants are awarded by a point system.

"If we are awarded the planning grant, then that gives us 50 points. We are hoping to resolve the flooding issues in Linton and obtaining these grants are important steps. But, we can't do that unless we receive those income surveys."

Wilkes said if the City of Linton does not receive the surveys by mail, they will have to go door to door to get the surveys.

Initially, the deadline for the survey was June 5, but the date has been extended until a future time.

If the survey is lost, or if you have any questions contact the City of Linton Mayor's Office at (812) 847-7754, or Matt Sward of the Southern Indiana Development Commission at (812) 295-3707.

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