Commissioners proclaim Dave Love Appreciation Day

Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Dave Love (Photo by Chelsey Bough)

Greene County Board of Commissioners President Nathan Abrams declared June 15, 2015 as the first annual Dave Love Appreciation Day in gratitude and deep appreciation for his services to our county.

Love has traveled at his own expense, volunteered his time, and contributed his talents to help Greene County with its communication needs as a County Radio Officer, as well as a Radio Officer and Deputy Director for Greene County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) solely as a volunteer.

During the Commissioners meeting Tuesday morning, Love was recognized and presented with a certificate for his hard work.

"We are lucky to have, as well as rare to have, a volunteer like Dave Love," said Abrams, "He has helped us with several of our radio needs and has saved us several thousand dollars with his work... We are recognizing Dave for all his hard work and thanking him. He has made a difference for Greene County."

Greene County is in need of an electronic and communication expertise to carry out its mission to serve and protect the health and well-being of the citizens of Greene County; However, the county has a difficult time providing these services due to a stressed tax base. Love volunteering his time to provide these services has saved the county several thousand dollars.

"Dave has been one of the guiding lights for Greene County Emergency Management," said Director of the Agency Roger Axe, "Dave was on the ground floor when we drew up our first strategic plan. His advice was sound in what equipment to purchase and we today are reaping the benefits of his advice with the equipment we have. He has been with us as we updated our strategic plan and set goals for the next five years. One of them that will be coming soon will be our ability to tie in the county together in video conferencing. This would have been a great help in the flood of 2008 when we could not get across the county."

Love said he decided to devote his time after retiring from the NSWC Crane Division to save the county money and to help out in any way he could.

Axe said Love's forward thinking was a "key asset" to the EMA and he always gave everything he could without asking for anything in return.

"I am grateful he is being officially thanked," said Axe.

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  • Very well deserved. Congrats Dave.

    -- Posted by ille de civitate on Tue, Jun 16, 2015, at 7:45 PM
  • I knew Dave at Crane, good man, well deserved.

    -- Posted by CountyCitizen5 on Wed, Jun 17, 2015, at 7:46 AM
  • Congratulations Dave! This recognition is well deserved and long overdue my friend.

    -- Posted by Lyonesse on Wed, Jun 17, 2015, at 12:08 PM
  • I've known Dave for 40+ years. A very fine man who enjoys helping everyone! Very deserving of his own day!

    -- Posted by bjackson on Wed, Jun 17, 2015, at 12:09 PM
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