Commissioners consider funding for 2016 budget

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

With budget season quickly approaching, the Greene County Board of Commissioners were addressed by Four Rivers Resource Services Executive Director Stephen Sacksteder who submitted the annual income and expense budget for 2016.

Sacksteder asked the Commissioners to consider providing Four Rivers with their traditional assistance from the county again in 2016.

Four Rivers provides needed services to pre- and post-school aged residents of Greene County with disabilities and other challenges. These services include developmental, therapeutic, transportation, residential, and vocational programs which are designed to reduce, eliminate, or make irrelevant the negative effects of handicapping conditions or other challenged.

Sacksteder expressed his appreciation to the Commissioners, as well as the Greene County Council, for their support and help as they continue to fulfill their mission.

Along with the Four Rivers program is the Ride Solution public transportation system, who is also requesting the Commissioners consideration for funding for the 2016 year.

Ride Solution offers door to door transportation service to those who are disabled or without a license or means of transportation. For the low cost of $2, you can travel to any destination within your town or for $4 you may be driven to anywhere within the county.

Commissioners President Nathan Abrams expressed his gratitude for the Four Rivers and Ride Solution Programs and everything they do for the community.

The Commissioners will consider these requests when the time comes to prepare the 2016 budget.

In other news, Brian Kollmeyer spoke on behalf of the Have in Bite in Bloomfield Committee requesting permission to use the Courthouse Lawn for their upcoming event, which will be held from 3 to 8 p.m. on Saturday, September 19, which was approved.

Due to many upcoming events taking place on the Courthouse Lawn, a request was also made for additional electrical sources on the lawn. The Commissioners understood the problems with the limited power sources; However, they will be looking further into ways to correct the problem before making a decision.

Before taking his seat, Kollmeyer also gave a verebal resignation from his seat on the Cemetery Commission. Kollmeyer said he did not want to leave the board; However, he reported he had been unable to attend any meetings so far and would like to have someone take his place who has the available time needed to fulfill the seat.

Emergency Management Agency (EMA) Director Roger Axe requested the reactivation of a dormant account, which will allow the EMA to accept donations to help with future purchases.

The board approved his request, but Attorney Marilyn Hartman advised Axe to use a receipt with a disclaimer present to ensure those who donate understand how and what the money is allowed to be used for.

A claim was also approved for the Ellis Water Grant in the amount of $49,860.

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  • they better figure in the budget to fix the roads around I69 that the state/contractors didn't bond and they use everyday!!!!

    running heavy equipment up and down the road at free will!!!!!

    state and contract workers running up and down the Koleen/Mineral Rd tearing it up that the county will have to pay for!!!!!

    only roads bonded is Harp and Dry Branch Rd....but they run the rest of the roads as they are bonded too!!!

    and we will be stuck with the bill when there gone!!!

    GCDW should do a story on who will pay for it!!!!!

    -- Posted by ghitch75 on Wed, Jun 17, 2015, at 8:48 AM
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