DUCSC hires majority of new staff, faculty; Interviews being scheduled for remaining positions

Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Dugger Union Community School Principal Ross Martin, far right, introduced 11 of the 12 newly hired staff and faculty members to the crowd that attended the Dugger Union Community School Corp. Board of Directors meeting. (Photo by Harold Bosstick)

Nearly three quarters of the teachers and staff have been hired at Dugger Union Community School.

The recently established Dugger-based charter school's principal, Ross Martin, made the recommendation of 12 individuals to the Dugger Union Community School Corp. Board of Directors during a business meeting Monday night.

"We don't want anything but the best," he said. "And that's why we cannot tell you every one yet. We can only tell you about three quarters because we are still focusing on about 25 percent of our staff because we do want the best."

The board unanimously voted to hire the group shortly after their introduction: Jawna Graniti, kindergarten; Barbara Manuel, first grade; Vonda Snellenberger, second grade; Brandy Gentry, third grade; Ashleigh Lewis, fourth grade; Jessica Hambrick, fifth grade; Stephanie Kinnett, sixth grade; Lynette Isbell, seventh- through ninth-grade English/language arts and Spanish; April Benda, 10th- through 12th-grade ELA; Christina White, seventh- through 12th-grade science; Kari Gerth, technology coordinator; and Camil Catlin, guidance counselor.

Missing are seventh through 12th grade teachers for social studies and math, as well as those for any electives, like art, music, physical education, etc. at all grade levels.

Martin added that he hopes to have the rest of the recommendations to the directors well in advance of the school's opening dates -- Aug. 10 for teachers and the day after for students.

"We're focusing on making sure that we have the right fit for your kids, for our kids by Aug. 11," he told the crowd. "So, hopefully, in a few weeks, we'll have a bigger announcement for the rest of our faculty and staff."

Martin noted that they are currently trying to schedule interviews with candidates for the final positions.

In other business:

* Open enrollment for the school is slated to begin on July 13.

Martin noted that information would be posted on banners and yard signs he hopes to have put up in the community.

* Martin also informed the directors that he has been working on rough drafts of the student and employee handbooks, as well as a student and parent agreement that would need to be signed and returned to the school.

He said he would email those drafts to board members.

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