Volunteer says Linton Food Pantry has growing demand, needs room to accommodate

Thursday, January 12, 2017
“They are out there if people want to believe it or not, summer and winter. I see and hear it everyday at the pantry,” Padgett said of a homeless community in Greene County, “People come to me for help, asking where to get help and I have no place to send them, people sleeping in cars and some on the streets, alleys and even in door ways.”
By Kelly Slaven

Brenda Padgett is one of those rare people who decided to spend her newly-gained free-time, which came along with retirement, on volunteering at her local food pantry-the Linton Community Food Pantry and Thrift Store.

Padgett said she was a volunteer for a few months before becoming the site supervisor in May 2016.

“I like to think big. Big, big,” Padgett said, “it’s really way too small here, and we need a lot more space.”

Padgett said she will go before the Food Pantry Board at it’s next regular meeting, on Thursday, Jan. 19, to present her vision.

“We need a bigger building. We need more space for food, more freezers and refrigerators,” said Padgett.

Padgett said it can be hard to deal with storing large donations from generous local businesses such as Baeslers Market and Wal-mart, which often donate large quantities of fresh produce.

“It would blow your mind how much they give, how generous. And it would even more of how fast it goes out the door,” said Padgett.

On a typical Tuesday, Padgett said around 40 families visit the pantry, though the total number fluctuates throughout the year.

Padgett wants to enable the pantry to distribute more food, clothing and even furniture by moving to or possibly constructing a new building.

The pantry has been at it’s current location for years, according to Padgett, having grown from a tiny aisle to it’s current state over decades.

In addition to growing the pantry to fit a growing demand, Padgett wants to possibly start a permanent soup kitchen and shelter, as she said the county is lacking.

Currently, a ‘Second Saturday Soup’ takes place once a month at the Linton City park, though to Padgett, it isn’t enough.

“There are enough churches in this town, and they almost all have serving and cooking areas. Why not have a soup kitchen take place at the different churches each week? There are some great cooks there too, and people are hungry every day, not just once a month,” Padgett said.

The Linton Community Food Pantry is a collaborative effort of individuals, local businesses, volunteers and 8 different local churches. The pantry and thrift store is operated by SON Ministries, a Christian-based organization.

“The town is in desperate need for a shelter for homeless people, men, women and children. They are out there if people want to believe it or not, summer and winter. I see and hear it everyday at the pantry,” Padgett said, “People come to me for help, asking where to get help and I have no place to send them, people sleeping in cars and some on the streets, alleys and even in door ways.”

After presenting to the board later this month, Padgett said the next step will likely be campaigning for funds and support.

The meetings take place at Trinity Lutheran Church in Linton at 6:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month.

Padgett said public are welcome and encouraged to attend the meeting to learn more.

Volunteers at the pantry range from age 10 to age 90, according to Padgett, and there are a lot of people behind the scenes keeping the pantry running.

Farmers and Hunters recently donated venison to the pantry, and two bread companies, Aunt Millies and Pepperidge Farms, donate bread and baked goods almost daily.

“God provides the food, we give it away,” said Padgett, “You might be doing just fine today but tomorrow, you don’t know.”

Though there are no requirements to utilize the food pantry, Padgett said the amount of food received from a once monthly visit is meant to be a supplemental, and not a sole source of food. Clothing and other items in the thrift store are free, (some restrictions apply) and any donations received go to Coordinated Assistance Ministry, (CAM).

According to Padgett, CAM is available to assist those unable to pay a high utility bill. Padgett said CAM meets at MainSource Bank every Tuesday at 1 p.m. to conduct interviews. Those wishing to interview should bring the utility bill with them, as well as identification.

The pantry is open three days a week; on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-4 p.m. and on Saturday from 10 a.m. until noon.

The Linton Community Food Pantry and Thrift Store is intended for use by those residing in the Linton area zip code of 47441 only. A current bill showing a Linton address or proper identification must be provided at initial visits.

“People come to me and thank me, and I tell them it’s not me, God provided this,we just give it away,” Padgett said, “Glory goes to him.”

Greene County Area Food Pantries as of February 2016:

•Lebanon Baptist Church located on Highway 59 in Midland, Ind. Open on the fourth Thursday of the month from 6-7 p.m. Call 812-847-4097

•Linton Community Food Pantry located at 440 East Street Northeast in Linton, Ind. Open Tuesday and Thursday from 1-4 p.m. and on Saturday from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m. Caters to Linton zip code only, must have photo I.D. and limit one visit per month.

•Pleasantville Methodist Church open the second and fourth Saturday of the month from 10:30 a.m. until noon. Serves Pleasantville, Carlisle, Paxton, Dugger and Sandborn.

•Solsberry Christian Church located at 10825 East Christian Chuch Road open Monday from 11-2 p.m., Tuesday from 10-2 p.m. and Wednesday from 2-5:30 p.m. Serves Beech, Center and Jackson Townships only and must have proof of address. Contact 812-825-5222

•Sonshine Shop located at 14 North Washington Street in Worthington, Ind. Open the second and fourth Wednesday and Saturday by appointment. Must be resident of Worthington and have I.D. proof of current address. Contact 812-875-2286

•Scotland Old Fire Station, a Catholic Charity Mobile Pantry open the fourth Wednesday of the month from 10:30 a.m. until noon in Scotland, Ind. Must sign in and provide number of people in household.

•Assembly of God located at 337 West Main Street in Jasonville Ind. on Sundays from 12 noon until 12:45 p.m. and by emergency appointment. Must attend a church and bring a church bulletin. Call 812-665-2279

•Back Door Food Pantry (mobile pantry) located at the Jasonville Methodist Church, (white building behind church), 311 South Meridian Street in Jasonville, Ind. on the third Saturday from 10-2 p.m. and the first Wednesday of the month from 10-11 a.m. Must reside in Shakamak School district.

•Bloomfield First Baptist located at 500 Lincoln Drive in Bloomfield, Ind. Monday through Thursday from 9-11:45 a.m. and on Tuesday from 5-7 p.m. Contact 812-384-8459

• Community Food Pantry located at Broad and Jefferson in Lyons, Ind. on the first Saturday of the month from 10-12 p.m. and the third Monday of the month from 3-5 p.m. Serves Lyons, Switz City and Newberry zip codes.

•Family Life Center located on Highway 54 in Bloomfield, Ind. Monday through Friday from 9-5 p.m. Must be resident of Greene County and provide I.D. with current address. Limit one visit per month. Contact 812-384-1639.

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  • Where is the pantry located?

    -- Posted by Bandit's Buddies on Fri, Jan 13, 2017, at 7:24 AM
  • The pantry is currently located at 440 NE E St, Linton, IN 47441. Next to the St. Peters Church.

    -- Posted by kslaven416 on Fri, Jan 13, 2017, at 3:18 PM
  • Wonderful work they are doing.

    -- Posted by Greenecountygirl71 on Fri, Jan 13, 2017, at 6:29 PM
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