Union High School Alumni Scholarship winners announced

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The winners of the 2017 Union High School Alumni Scholarships were announced Oct.

7 at the Dugger Alumni Association’s UHS Alumni banquet.

The UHS Alumni Scholarships include three individual scholarships: the Bill D. Aydelotte Scholarship, the Edna J. Coyner Scholarship and the Clarence W. Stegemoller Scholarship. These scholarships are intended to support students from the former UHS area in Dugger. The three scholarships total $7,500 this year, to be distributed among the winning students.

The Bill D. Aydelotte Scholarship was awarded to Hannah Rennick, Sydney Smith, and William Smith. The Edna J. Coyner Scholarship was awarded to Anthony Ellis and the Clarence W. Stegemoller Scholarship was awarded to McKayla Ellis.

Each student will receive an award of $1,500 to be used toward tuition or

required books and supplies.

The UHS Alumni Scholarships are each funded by endowment funds held by the Greene County

Foundation (GCF). The funds were established in 2002 in honor of former Dugger educators and school administrators Bill Aydelotte, Edna Coyner and Clarence Stegemoller, who each were committed to supporting the future success of Dugger students. The GCF exists to be a vehicle for charitably-minded individuals to leave a lasting legacy to the community they love. The GCF holds over $8 million in assets and has had a charitable impact in every school, library, and community in Greene County.

For more information on the GCF visit www.greenecountyfoundation.org or call (812) 659-3142.

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  • Apparently one does not have to be a UHS alumni anymore to win an alumni scholarship? Definitely seems a little odd.....

    -- Posted by mcchick88 on Wed, Nov 29, 2017, at 6:58 PM
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