Tri Kappa chapter grows by 10 members

Tuesday, March 19, 2019
The Gamma Tau chapter of Indiana’s Tri Kappa has grown by 10 new members, welcomed at the organization’s annual dinner and meeting. From left, front row: Susan Gill, Jess Rose and Rita Marczak. Second row, from left: Shaye Place, Terri Irwin and Virginia Smith. Back row, from left: MiKelle Hensley, Rockelle Reynolds, Ashlynn Kendall and Amber Sapp.
Courtesy photo

A Greene County chapter of state philanthropic organization Tri Kappa has an increased presence lately, as they added 10 new sisters to the Gamma Tau chapter on March 12, 2019 at their annual Initiation Dinner and Meeting held at the First

United Methodist Church in Linton.

The event, catered by Kathy Haywood, included a business meeting in the church fellowship hall prior to the evening’s entertainment.

All 10 new Tri Kappa sisters performed a skit based on the popular game show “Family Feud”, to rave reviews by current Tri Kappa members.

“There are some real comediennes and actresses in our new members,” said Tri Kappa Corresponding Secretary Nancy Correll.

Giving a brief history of the Gamma Tau chapter, Correll continued.

“Tri Kappa was formed by a group of women at the Girl’s Classical School in Indianapolis on February 22, 1901,” Correll said. “From there, it has grown to 147 chapters throughout Indiana. The Linton chapter was formed in 1927 and has been meeting ever since with the goal to conduct special projects locally to support Charity, Culture, and Education.”

For more information about Tri Kappa, visit

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