Johnson family reunion is July 21

Monday, June 3, 2019

The Johnson Family reunion will be the third Sunday in July -- July 21, 2019 -- at the Odon Park Friendship building in Odon.

All descendants of Hiram and Lucinda Johnson, families and friends are welcome. The building opens about 11:15 a.m. and is air-conditioned.

Pitch-in Lunch about 12:30 p.m. Meats and drinks provided. Family meeting, live auction of donated items, including a 1950’s K. Myers quilt. Free door prizes to follow.

Family history and genealogy display with more photos needed. Child trinket gifts and playground at the park. Plan to stay all afternoon.

All of the many branches of this family are welcome. Branches include descendants of Johnson’s of William & Nettie branch, Della & David Cunningham’s family, Sara Ethel Hunter- Bissey’s family, Faye & Henry Harps family, Anna & Charly Bennett’s family, Lola & Ives Farren family.

Roland Johnson’s family, Jessie A. Johnson’s family. This also includes: Hazel & Leland Padgett’s family, Pearl Ash relative’s,

Kenivia & Buck Myers family, Tillie & Emerson Bose Wilson and Lillie & Lester Lee families, Mary & Dave Leveque and

Ula & North Kimbrell families, Ernie & Rena, Robert & Clara, and Ivus & Evelyn Johnsons’ families.

All are welcome. The date for next year is Sunday, July 19, 2020

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