WRV seniors accomplish ‘Best senior prank ever,’ Kelley says

Monday, June 3, 2019
The scene that greeted Kelley graduation morning.

Graduation, like retirement, is a bittersweet time in life.

For retiring WRV Principal LeAnne Kelley, however, both milestones will forever be marked in her mind with the smell of fresh doo-doo.

Arriving at WRV High School on graduation day, Friday, May 24, 2019, Kelley faced her last student day as a high school principal and knew the day would be filled with moments both sweet and salty.

But she never expected the moment that awaited her as she opened her office door.

“I saw straw all over tarps on the floor,” she said, “And then the smell hit me as the cow mooed softly. They had filled my office with farm animals. There were chickens, ducks, cows and goats. In my office.”

At that evening’s commencement ceremony, Kelley said it had been an honor to serve as their principal.

“Just as I hope WRV teachers, staff and administrators have helped you decide what your next journey might be, I would like to thank you, the class of 2019, for helping me decide what my next journey might be. I would never have guessed myself as a zookeeper to ducks, chickens, cows and goats, so I owe it to you, this very special class of 2019 for opening my office door, literally, so that I could see an office full of straw and animals. You definitely win the award for the best senior prank ever. That memory, and that smell, I will remember for a lifetime.”

According to a source at the high school, students came in with special permission the night before to house the farm creatures in Kelley’s office.

“Hats off to the class of 2019,” Kelley added. “Best senior prank ever.”

No animals (or high school seniors) were harmed during the senior prank of the WRV class of 2019.

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  • *

    That's Great! Lasting memories!

    -- Posted by Renee71 on Mon, Jun 3, 2019, at 7:17 PM
  • well done!!!!

    -- Posted by jwhaley88 on Tue, Jun 4, 2019, at 12:03 PM
  • Thank you, Ms. Kelley, for having such a great sense of humor about their senior prank. It’s all in good fun.

    -- Posted by wrv_mom on Tue, Jun 4, 2019, at 9:24 PM
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