Greene County Foundation announces scholarship winners

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Union High School Alumni Scholarships, held by the Greene County Foundation, have been awarded.

The UHS Alumni Scholarships include three individual scholarships: The Bill D. Aydelotte Scholarship, the Edna J. Coyner Scholarship, and the Clarence W. Stegemoller Scholarship. These scholarships support students from the former Union High School area in Dugger, Indiana; applicants must be graduates of Dugger/Union High School or residents of Cass or Jefferson Township in Dugger.

Scholarships totaling $9,600 were awarded at the alumni dinner in Dugger on Saturday, October 5th. The Bill D. Aydelotte Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Anthony Ellis, Cassidy Ellis, and Sydney Smith. The C. W. Stegemoller Scholarship was awarded to Mason Boyd. The Edna Coyner Scholarship was awarded to McKayla Ellis.

The Greene County Foundation exists for charitable individuals to leave a lasting legacy to the community they love. Through the establishment of endowments, donors can forever support the causes important to them. The Greene County Foundation holds over $10 million in assets and has had a charitable impact in every school, library, and community in Greene County. The Foundation annually awards nearly $400,000 in grants through fund payouts, competitive grants, and student scholarships. For more information, visit or call (812) 659-3142.

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  • Congrats to all these great students~! To the students: Continue to work hard & do great things; go forth & make us proud of ya'~!

    -- Posted by pitdude on Tue, Oct 22, 2019, at 10:53 PM
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