Greene County commissioners renew contracts for 2021
The Greene County commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. on the third floor of the courthouse. Following the approval of minutes and claims, County Clerk Stuart Dowden approached the podium to request renewal of an annual contract with the provider of the county’s voting system, Microvote. The motion was approved. During the meeting, the board announced that the 2020 wages, expenditures, and revenue report is available for public review in the auditor’s office.
The board approved:
-The signing of server upgrades and firewall licensing contracts as previously presented to the board by Chuck Long of IT
-County highway department contract renewal, as presented by Roger Hamilton-Greene County Extension annual contract renewal
-A quote from Southern Indian Development Corporation SIDC for grant administration services
-Appointment of Mark Bartlow to West Gate Authority
-Extension of commissioner board terms upon reelection
-Appointment of Jathan Wright to Greene County Economic Development
As of the meeting, Greene County remains in “red” COVID-19 status.
The next meeting of the Greene County commissioners will take place on Feb. 2 at 9:30 a.m. at the Greene County Courthouse.