WRV school board retires pension bond; addresses issues

Thursday, January 21, 2021

The White River Valley Board of School Trustees met in regular session on Jan. 18 at 7 p.m. At the meeting’s commencement, Superintendent Bob Hacker said, “Before we go to old business, I’d like to take a moment of silence, if we could keep Teddy York in our thoughts, undergoing some health problems. For those of you that don’t know, Teddy is a stellar individual in our community who really gives it his heart for the school system and a lot of other areas, but if we could just take a second to keep him in our thoughts, I’d appreciate it.”

In old business, Hacker gave a facilities update, stating that the electrical addition has been completed in the machining and advanced manufacturing area of the high school by Gaylor Electric. In addition, the replacement of the public address and bell system has been completed, with installation occurring over winter break. Hacker stated that both projects came out of the operations fund and no board action was required.

CEO of Wolverine machining and graphic design businesses Ian Rose gave a presentation for the graphic design business. During the presentation, Rose showcased some of the sample work the business has been producing, such as yard signs and t-shirts. It was also announced that the state governor’s office will be paying Wolverine Enterprises a visit in Feb.

The board approved:

-NEOLA updates

-Recommendation to increase daily corporation regular bus route pay from $80 to $90 dollars per day in 2021-22 and $100 per day in 2022-23

-Recommendation to increase extracurricular route pay to $13 per hour in 2021-22 and $14 per hour in 2022-23

-Acceptance of conflict of interest statement renewal in regards to banking services

-Adoption of a resolution to retire 2004 pension bond

Hacker said, “We are pleased to formally announce the retirement of our pension bond debt liability. With this retirement by statute, we need to adopt a resolution that allows us to transfer the remaining $13,000 left in the fund from the pension bond to the operations fund.” According to Hacker, the resolution also allows the line item to be removed from the school district budget.

Hacker mentioned the open meeting that was held on Jan. 14, stating that several equipment items in the building have reached end of life. Hacker said the school interviewed three architect firms in Dec. to address the issues. The board approved a recommendation to move forward with Schmidt Associates.

In personnel, three assignments were announced: Matt McClellan as middle school track coach, Hayden Stuckwisch as high school assistant track coach, and Caleb Fish as high school assistant track coach

WRV announced the current job postings which include a high school secretary, maintenance and custodial, and HVAC specialist positions

In public comment, patron John Coleman gave the board a financial presentation.

The next regular meeting of the WRV school board will be held on Feb. 15 at 7 p.m.

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