Greene County Foundation names new executive director

Thursday, September 22, 2022
Courtesy photo

After 11 years serving as the financial director for the Greene County Foundation (GCF), Suzanne Jackson has been named executive director. GCF says Jackson’s passion and love for Greene County make her the perfect fit for her new position.

Jackson says she would like to see GCF be known in every community for the impact it has made in those communities. She credits her mentor and former Executive Director Cam Trampke for teaching her community leadership and leading by example.

“Cam always brought me along, and it helped to make us a strong team and to build the foundation to where it is today,” said Jackson.

GCF also says with Suzanne as the new executive director, they are excited to see what the next 25 years bring to Greene County and the impact that the foundation can make.

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  • Congratulations, Suzanne!

    -- Posted by WMader on Fri, Sep 23, 2022, at 8:53 AM
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