GC Commissioners approve antenna installations for GCSD
The Greene County Commissioners approved moving forward with antenna installations for the Greene County Sheriff’s Department.
“I’ve previously provided you two quotes from Leary Construction,” said Greene County Sheriff’s Deputy Terry Wade. “These are quotes for installing conduit brackets on the Eastern Heights water towers in Solsberry and in Mt. Zion. This will be done during the rehab or restoration of the water tanks and the brackets will be welded off to the side of the ladder that goes up to the tanks. The first tank to be done will be the one in Solsberry, projected to begin in July. There is no projected date for the one in Mt. Zion at this time.”
The Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the installations at $4,500 each.
In other business:
• A 3-0 vote was cast by the Commissioners to extend the bidding process for the EMS Center to June 20.
“There were several contractors that contacted the engineering firm and we’re having trouble getting the pricing on a few different items, so I extended the bidding process to June 20,” said Commissioner President Nathan Abrams.
• The Commissioners heard from Sherri Tredway with Four Rivers Developmental Services and Becky Guthrie with Ride Solutions on annual requests for budget items.
• Greene County Surveyor Edward Strong approached the Commissioners to ask for approval to have the original surveying books enhanced and digitalized.
“Some of the surveyors have been complaining that the original survey books for sections in Greene County are starting to deteriorate,” said Strong. “In the email conversations I’ve had with Oser Surveying, I gave them permission to photograph the books and contact companies that enhance and digitize books. One’s asking for around $1,350 without color and the other is asking for $1,650 with color, which will enhance the books even further. The funding will come from the county perpetuation fund.”
The Commissioners unanimously approved the $1,650 bid with color.
• A 3-0 vote was cast to correct a clerical error and to approve the fiscal recovery plan amendment nine.
“In paragraph eight, that was previously approved, I left out the numeric version of the dollar amount,” said Greene County Attorney Marvin Abshire. “Paragraph nine proposes to use another $400,000 of the local fiscal recovery funds as the counties match against the anticipated 2023 Community Crossings matching grant award. The other change proposed is to partially fund a contract for a new healthcare benefit for county employees. The county’s portion of that, if the council approves, will be $100,000.”
• The Commissioners voted 3-0 to approve the SRI annual tax sale contract.
• A unanimous vote was cast to approve a zoning affidavit and letter.
“This is just a notification to who it may concern that Greene County does not have any zoning, so we do not regulate auto sales,” said Abrams. “There may be something inside a city that may regulate it, but the county has no regulations.”
• Commissioner board appointments were moved to the June 20 meeting.
The next regular meeting of the Greene County Commissioners will take place on June 20 at 9:30 a.m. in the Commissioner’s Room on the third floor of the Greene County Courthouse.