LPD catches pharmacy burglar

Monday, September 13, 2004

Michael Joseph Baker, 25, Linton, was arrested Friday for the Aug. 29 break-in at Linton Family Pharmacy.

He's being held in the Greene County Jail on $14,000 bond for the pharmacy break-in and $4,000 bond for a prior residential entry warrant.

His initial hearing was Friday.

Baker admitted during a police interview Friday that he broke into the pharmacy and stole prescription medications, syringes, cash and checks. He told Linton Police Department officers that he first tried breaking through the drive-through window. When bars obstructed his path, he threw a brick through the front window.

According to the original police report, several male subjects sitting in the adjacent parking lot around 1:30 a.m. heard the shattering glass. When they came around the front of the building, they noticed the front window of the pharmacy was broken out and pill bottles were scattered on the ground, so they contacted the LPD. When Patrolmen Michael Tatlock, Paul Clark and Karl Jacobshagen responded to the burglary, they found methadone, vicodin, oxycontin, valium and oxycodone pill bottles scattered in the alley leading to B St.

Chief Keith McDonald said pill bottles were scattered for blocks.

One of the pharmacy owners, Julia Bartlow of Bloomfield, said Baker had taken a plastic trash bag from inside the pharmacy and filled it with the items he stole. Upon exiting the pharmacy through the broken window, she said, the bag tore, causing the contents to leave a trail behind him.

"I was just amazed that someone had the audacity to break through the front window to get them," Bartlow said. "Having those bottles scattered was scary. Anyone could've picked them up."

She said the LPD recovered a lot of the medications at the scene.

"I was really grateful for that," Bartlow said. "I don't want those drugs on the street."

The recovered bottles are not resaleable, Bartlow said, even though they're unopened. In total, the pharmacy suffered $10,000 in losses from the theft and damage to the windows.

"I'm glad they caught the person they believe is responsible," she said. "I hope they put him away for a while. Hopefully he won't be out on the street selling drugs again anytime soon. And hopefully if he has accomplices, they'll be arrested, as well."

According to a probable cause affidavit from Greene County Superior Court, Baker was located and arrested at his sister's home outside Linton. A preliminary news release from the LPD states that the department will be seeking charges against others who assisted Baker after the burglary.

"I'm still glad to be in business in Linton," Bartlow said.

She said customers have been supportive, the insurance company treated them well, Linton Glass was wonderful, and the LPD was great to work with.

"They were very professional," she said. "The Linton Police Department did a wonderful job. I was hopeful. There was a great deal of evidence, but you never know."

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