White River Valley tennis

Wednesday, April 17, 2002

SWITZ CITY ---- Former White River Valley girls tennis player Rebecca Noel wants her Lady Wolverine players to enjoy their experience, but also wants to compete.

"I am looking forward to the season," said Noel, who is beginning her fourth season in charge at WRV. "You never know how things are going to go, based on practice.

"The main thing I am concerned with is to see who is best suited to filling out the singles positions. Our main goal is to have fun. These girls are smart enough and good enough athletes to know the things they need to improve on. It is nice to have a smart group of girls."

Noel will have three starters back from last year's 6-15 squad.

"Our goal every year is to win a couple more than the year before," said Noel. "We want to have a winning season, but it is tough with some many good teams on our schedule.

"We want to be competitive in the SWIAC and I think we will be."

Among the top returners is Holly Halt. The junior set a school record with 16 wins at No. 2 singles a year ago. She will make the jump to No. 1 singles.

"Holly had a phenomenal year," said Noel. "I would have liked to have kept her there, but she is without a doubt our best player.

"She has amazing endurance. She will probably lose more matches this year (three a year ago) just because she won't have many easy matches always playing the other team's best player. She is getting more confidence at the net. She will be very competitive at No. 1."

Halt opened the season 2-1 as the Lady Wolverines lost to Forest Park and defeated Northeast Dubois Saturday before a victory over Linton Monday.

Emily Wagner will make the move from the junior varsity to the varsity. She will be playing at No. 2 singles.

"Emily is doing really well, said Noel. "She played well despite losing two matches Saturday at Northeast Dubois.

"She needs to work on her return of serve and placement. She has done well serving. She just needs to get the ball placed and get the point over with."

The No. 3 singles spot is open right now. Senior Amber Long, sophomore Amanda Gehring and freshman Kyla Brown are vying for that position. Gehring played their in the Northeast Dubois tournament and Long played against Sullivan.

"Kyla won't be playing there until later," said Noel..

"Amanda is in her third year. She gets down on herself. She was inconsistent Saturday, but has improved," added Noel.

"Amber has gotten better. She has good ground strokes. The more that her and Amanda gets varsity matches under her belts, the better off they will be."

Sophomores Lindsey Hines (letterman) and Samantha Johnson began the season at No. 1 doubles while the duo of junior Chelsea Hawkins, the other returning player, and senior Carrie Arthur have started the season at No. 2 doubles.

"It has been interesting," Noel said of doubles. "Lindsey and Samantha have played well, but need to work on their communication skills.

"Both teams will get better as the season progresses."

The Lady Wolverines have started the season with wins over Northeast Dubois and Linton-Stockton while losing to Forest Park. They will play at Barr-Reeve Friday.

"I believe we can be a competitive team," said Noel.


LADY WOLVERINES: The 2002 White River Valley girls tennis team, again coached by Rebecca Noel, includes seniors Carrie Arthur and Amber Long; juniors Holly Halt, Chelsea Hawkins, Heather Mumma and Emily Wagner; sophomores Lindsey Hines, Samantha Johnson and Amanda Gehring; and freshmen Kyla Brown, Brianna Cullison and Katie White.

2002 WRV

Girls tennis roster

Coach Rebecca Noel

Fourth season


Carrie ArthurSr.
Amber LongSr.
Holly HaltJr.
Chelsea HawkinsJr.
Heather MummaJr.
Emily WagnerJr.
Lindsey HinesSo.
Samantha JohnsonSo.
Amanda GehringSo.
Kyla BrownFr.
Brianna CullisonFr.
Katie WhiteFr.
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