Letter to the Editor

Linton and its citizens need to move forward

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

To the Editor:

Can we drop the subject already? The event in and outside City Hall following the last City Council meeting is getting over exposed.

This isn't helping the image of Linton, it isn't helping Mr. Jones in his quest for re-election and it isn't helping Mr. Johnson's business.

While circulating through McDonald's, Wal-Mart and other places where people gather, I hear about this event and those involved. The remarks are negative.

Couldn't we just learn from this unfortunate incident and move on?

If all parties involved would concentrate on positive actions and put this behind them, perhaps we could continue down the road to progress.

I moved here because I agree with the slogan, "I like Linton." I still do. Do you?

The major negative in this incident was the denying Mr. Johnson's Constitutional Right to "Equal Protection under the law, (U.S. Constitution, XIV Amendment), when he was denied the right to file a report.

My question is, were the roles reversed, would the mayor have been able to file a report?

Can the citizens expect service from their police or are they only for special interests?

Robert Weyer
