Wednesday, March 18, 2020

BLOOMFIELD – The current directive from Governor Holcomb is as follows: “Bars, nightclubs

and restaurants are required to close to in-person patrons and may provide take-out and delivery

services through the end of March.” Many places have already adapted business, and some have

completely closed their entrances and gone strictly to drive thru service only where possible.

Customers may use Call-in services and may enter the building ONLY to Pay for pre-

orders and leave immediately. No one is allowed to sit at tables or bars to wait for their

food. Curb side service pick up is an allowable option.

In response to this new directive, the Greene County Health Department has attached a guidance

document to assist through this challenging time, as you have undoubtedly drastically changed

your business model:

COVID-19 Food Service Recommendations for Carry-out and Delivery

COVID-19 Touchpoint Disinfection for Retail Food Service Customer Areas

In addition to implementing this new requirement, we are also asking that you remain vigilant in

maintaining food safety requirements (proper temperatures, cleaning and sanitizing of food

contact services, proper storage of food and single use items, etc.) with the ultimate goal to

provide a safe food product to the customer while limiting person-to-person contact.

During the COVID-19 State of Emergency issued by the Governor of the State of Indiana, the

Greene County Health Department is authorized to order or otherwise compel corrections of

violations of county ordinance and State of Indiana regulations. Reasons for Closure under 410

IAC 7-24-109(a) (8) “Except as specified in subsection (b), the owner or operator of the retail

food establishment shall immediately discontinue operations and notify the regulatory authority

if an imminent health hazard may exist because of an emergency, such as the following:

(8) Other circumstance that may endanger public health.”

The Greene County Health Department has determined that during the declared state of

emergency violation of the following, but not limited to food safety requirements may endanger

public health:

▪ Hot water not available at any one the following locations

▪ 100 degrees F at hand washing sinks

▪ 110 degrees F at three compartment sinks

▪ 120 degrees F at chemical sanitizing dish machines

▪ 180 degrees F at heat sanitizing dish machines

▪ Chemical sanitizer is not available at any one the following locations

▪ Three-compartment sink

▪ Chemical sanitizing dish-machines

▪ In place sanitizing stations

▪ Detergent is not available at any one of the following locations

▪ Three-compartment sink

▪ Dish machines (chemical or heat sanitizing)

▪ No means to protect bare hand contact with ready-to-eat foods

▪ Ex. No gloves, tongs, deli tissue

▪ Including lack of proper hand washing as it relates to usage of these items

▪ Unnecessary persons in the food preparation and service areas (as deemed fit by the

Health Dept.)

▪ Ex. Children in the kitchen

▪ One (1) or more hand washing sinks are not fully stocked with soap or hand drying


▪ Executive orders issued specific to the State of Emergency authorizing public health

actions to limit or contain the spread of disease

It is the responsibility of retail food establishment operators to comply with the directives of the

health department including time frame for corrective actions specified in inspection reports,

notices, orders, warnings, and other directives issued by the county health department or in

response to community emergencies.

If you have any questions after referencing the provided links to information, please contact the

health department at (812) 384-4496 or visit our COVID-19 website.

For more information:

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Implementation of Mitigation Strategies for Communities with Local COVID-19 Transmission

Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19 (OSHA)

Interim Business Guidance for Businesses and Employers

General inquiries from the public or questions from health care provider about COVID-19 may

be directed to the ISDH COVID-19 Call Center at the toll-free number 877-826-0011

(available 24/7) or email

For questions regarding COVID-19, most recent updates and resources, visit the Indiana

Department of Health (ISDH) website at www.IN.GOV/ISDH and the CDC website at

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